CG Dr.Strange L (female) YN (TW)

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This will contain SH and other things, I am mainly writting this for me, something I do not do very often. If I write like this I will always give a TW.

Dr.Strange POV: I love her I do, I honestly like having the kid around. She's a new sorcerer that Wong found and brought to be with us, what do I know about her? A bit of stuff, she's a little and has anxiety. At least that's what we assume, she fidgets a bunch, overly apologies, over thinks most things, plus a bit more.(is that actually anxiety or an I just stupid?)

I expect a lot of surprises but never to be called by her councilor at school and told my 8TH GRADE (or grade you want if your reading for yourself) friend had commit self harm and mentioned she was going to kill herself and it wasn't the first time. I had to go to the school and pick her up. (My mom didn't pick me up or talk to me after school because that was last year and the counselor told her I felt better when she left me alone.) I opened a portal to her room and pushed her on through. "You have two minutes to tell me why." Probably not the best idea but oh well. i grabbed her pacifier and offered it to her. She took it but just fidgeted with it. "I don't know...." i picked her up and sat her in her bed. "She said you did it multiple times, when was the first?" I asked her while grabbed her favorite stuffie, I handed it over and she took it...i pulled it away from her mouth within seconds though. "You have a pacifier for that, you don't need to chew the stuffie." I looked down at her as she stared at the plush toy. "icky brain..." I smiled a bit, we're getting somewhere. "And what did that icky brain say?" More tears, a bit of Shakey breathing. "You're alright, it's okay." I gently pat her head. "No one wikes me an no good fam'ly left...." I decided to leave her family in the reason alone. "What do you mean no one likes you?" "No one wikes the new girl in school. No one like me in 7 or 8." I sigh, I have no clue what to do. "Well, I love you. You're a good little." She shook her head no. "Bad girl." "Why are you bad?" "Stupid, annoying I talk to much..." I pull her into a hug and get a quick look at her arms, old scars, new cuts with dried blood. "Little one..." "Hurts..." she whined. "I bet it does, why didn't you tell me?" "Cause then is you' p'oblem an you gonna be upset..."  "Shhhh, it's okay..." I take off my cloak and let it fly on to her, that usually helps. "Mad at me?" I shake my head. "No, I'm not mad at you YN. But you need to tell someone when this happens or before it happens. Okay?" "Try..." i nod. "As long as you try it's gonna be okay." "Wost my frends... Rachel hate me for no reason...I like Chloe an Cece buh it hard talk to 'em cause they an. 'm a stupid baby." I hug her a bit tighter. "You're not a stupid baby , I promise I love you, you're a good girl."

This was a very hard one to write. I did leave out a bunch of other details, I just didn't feel it would be okay. This was something that I am getting a little help with, it's still hard to talk about it. I'm still trying to fix myself up after last year and all the things that happened with my science teacher, the principal, the students and honestly my brain in general. I love all of you and I would offer advice like I try to do for anyone when in person and they dont know what goes on but since it's clear and in writting i feel like all i can say is something  like, dont be stupid like me, even if you start off by not doing AS  MANY cuts as usual or can try to stop yourself you're doing better than me.

I love you all.

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