Peter and Tony

315 3 1

Cg- Tony, Little- Peter, items- paci, blankie, onesie, baba

Tony POV: "Underoos!" I yell loudly enough for Peter to hear, he was up on a roof a few ahead of the one I'm on. Peter looked over at me..."shit." I fly over to him and grab his hand. "Kid, look at me." He does and I can tell he's little.  "Underoos...." He whined and grabbed me around the waist to hug me. I pick him up and slip his paci under his mask. "dada...." he whined and gently poked my suit. "Yeah?" "Cold..." He whined and tapped on my suit. "Mhm, do you wanna go home and get on a nice onesie? Cuddle up with your blankie and have a warm baba?" He nodded sleepily and I laughed. "And a nap." He nodded and held on as I flew back and carried him inside. My suit came off thanks to Jarvis and I continue walking while holding Peter. I get to his nursery and I lay him down on the changing table. He gets kind of fussy on the table but he was currently fighting to stay awake so I didn't bother with the safety belt. I walk over and grab a super soft bear, footie onesie and a pull up for just in case. I walk back over and get him dressed for bed, I zip up the onesie and lay him on a blanket before holding him in one arm and pulling the blanket edges onto him so it looks like he's swaddled but isn't. i carry him into the kitchen and make a bottle with milk, honey and vanilla as fast as I can they heat it up. Peter starts to whine so I quickly pop the bottle in his mouth. He starts to drink it and only gets halfway though before the bottle slips out and he's passed out milk drunk...poor baby. I lay him in the crib and swaddle him tightly like he likes it.

"Good night Underoos"

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