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"Attention students!" Said the woman on the podium, everyone turned to stare at her, her voice was high and clear.

Once she had everyone's attention she smiled, "thank you for attending our university my name is United Nations, we hope you can make yourselves at home. Now a few months prior we sent you all your schedules, we will give you two months to explore the campus and get yourselves set in with the environment. There is a map in every dorm, the building for dorms is on my right. Behind me there is the extra curriculum activities, and on my left there is the main building and cafeteria, as you can see on the bottom of your schedule there is a number, that is your dorm, we are glad to have you here!"

With that, students began to talk to their friends, some were already heading for the football field and science lab. The remaining students looked for their dorm partner or simply went to look for their doorms.

Britain looked around the three buildings, France was still holding his hand, "vamos, lets find the dorms, what number did you get?" Asked Spain, Britain and France checked their schedules.

"158" they all said, Spain smiled, France got hyper and Britain sighed in relief. "Well then lets go" said Britain.

× × ×

Britain unlocked the door with a key he found under a mat, the dorm was spacious, there were doors with their names on them, France was close to a kitchen, Britain and Spain were right beside each other and in the main center was a living room and there was a window that you could open like a balcony.

The kitchen was small and there were two bathrooms, Britan went to his room and started to unpack everything, he put his books inside the cabinet of the bedside table and his clothes inside a closet he found in the corner of his room.

He placed a photo of him and his two friends and then another of his father under a lamp. Then he put his glasses on a case and prepared himself for a peaceful nap.

- - -

Spain unpacked his football posters that his brother Argentina gave him, a mini taco plushie Mexico gave him, Colombia's guitar chip, Ecuador gave him some eyeliner, Venezuela gave some of his savings to him, and Peru gave him a hat.

He placed all this on a shelf he found in his room and the posters above his bed. Just like Britain he put his clothes inside his closet, finally after he was done we went into the kitchen and began to prepare something with the multiple spices in the cabinets and fridge.

- - -

France didn't really have any siblings or cousins since his mother was an only child, but he had some gifts from Britain and Spain from his past birthdays. He had a photo of them aswell.

As he began to out his clothes he heard a crash and thumps. He rushed outside and saw Spain trying not to laugh as Britan had fallen on the floor.

France joined in the laughing and helped Britain up, there was a knock on the door, "I'll go get it" said Britain walking over to the door, he swung it open and there stood a person taller than he was.

"Wales!" Britain smiled at his older brother in the doorway, "how are you doing bud?" Said Wales as he hughed Britain.

They kept talking for a while before Wales had to leave, "I'm going to check out the campus" said Britain grabbing the spare keys Spain had found inside a fruit bowl, "be safe" said Spain as he served some food to France.

× × ×

Britain was walking down the second building, he walked into the library and gasped. It was huge, there were books everywhere, some benches were placed in the middle of the first floor, and the rails on the second floor were marked with flowers.

He walked silently as the click clack of his feet echoed throughout the library, he found the fictional section, he looked eagerly for his favorite tale and once he found it he grabbed the book and sat down in a corner.

Britain was so invested in the book, which was called 'Goldie Locks And The Three Bears'

England, a tutor and side professor in the university and brother of Britain was walking down the many aisles of books, he crossed the aisle where Britain was reading and he stopped in his tracks.

He looked at his brother and smiled as he rushed over, Britain heard the footsteps and looked up from the book.

"England..?" He asked, the English man nodded and hugged his brother, Britan was frozen, it had been seven years after England had left home and went to live far south, now he had found him again since the connection loss..

They stood there chatting, laughing and even began to talk about classes. "Im taking lab as an extra" said Britan, England nodded.

"Well its getting dark go back to your dorm young man" said England, Britain rolled his eyes, put the book back and walked away and out of the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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