Sorrow for my dear one.

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You were always quite interesting.

To your fedora's

To your funky shoes.

To your selflessness,

To your temper.

Our 7 years of knowing each other,

We never got along.

But there were sincere moments.

Where we understood each other

In a way we didn't know was even possible.

Im not lying as I say this.

I truly do believe,

We are one soul in two bodies.

Our bond was sculpted by god's hands.

Even though our personalities clash,

As I know how to push your buttons too well.

We balance each other out in a way we can't explain

Simply with words.

I'm dearly sorry for this.

Nothing prepared me for my leave also.

Not even Odasaku.

I shed a tear

As I write about my sorrow,

For my dear one.

The goodbyes We wish We said before|SoukokuWhere stories live. Discover now