"Were you born in Moundow?" Airas inquired, his intrigue had been clearly piqued by Caterina's distinct appearance, setting her apart from the common Moundowans.

Her response bore a touch of melancholy, "Actually, I was born in the island of Suvro, but later I was transferred to Moundow."

A glimmer of compassion laced Airas' voice as he conveyed, "I see."

Unperturbed by her guarded demeanour, he delicately probed further, "What about your parents?"

A fleeting sense of vulnerability swept over Caterina as she revealed, "I never had the chance to meet them." A hint of embarrassment accompanied her admission, for she wished to steer away from the shadows of her difficult upbringing, not wanting to burden their conversation with sorrow.

As they continued their chore, Airas casually changed the subject. "By the way," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "would you care to be the lucky date of Mr. Dreamy for the Summer Spirit festival tomorrow?" He accompanied his words with a wink and a smirk, clearly basking in his own charm.

"I'd much rather go alone than with Mr. Delusional," Caterina retorted, unswayed by his charm offensive.

"Suit yourself," he replied nonchalantly, resuming his task. Despite her disinterest, Caterina couldn't help but reminisce about Safya's excitement over the festival. Her friend had eagerly talked about their plans to go shopping together for beautiful dresses. Safya had insisted on paying for Caterina as a gesture of gratitude for helping her preserve a large number of fish she had caught a few days prior.

Eventually, Caterina had relented and accepted Safya's generous offer. In the depths of her thoughts, she formulated a plan to approach Saulo in the coming days. She intended to ask if she could work somewhere in the village, both to repay his kindness for providing her with free lodging and to earn some extra coin.

However, lost in her thoughts, Caterina let out a soft "Ouch!" as the sharp knife accidentally nicked the tip of her right middle finger. She watched as a small, crimson puddle of blood formed on her finger and was about to search for a cloth when Airas, who had just finished storing the ceramic cup next to the basin, swiftly grabbed her hand.

Intrigued, she watched as he gently cradled her fingers in his own, bringing her injured tip to his mouth. A sudden rush of adrenaline filled her as he delicately took her cut finger into his full, inviting mouth. His tongue gently swirled around her wounded finger, sending a tingling sensation across the area where she had accidentally cut herself.

Their eyes locked, and she sensed that he had been observing her long before this moment. The intensity of his gaze sent a hot wave of embarrassment rushing to her cheeks, while a deeper, more pRamial feeling stirred within her stomach.

As he finally released her hand, Caterina quickly turned away, her cheeks now aflame. Focusing on her cutting board, she assessed her now healed finger, realizing that he must have deliberately bitten his tongue to draw blood and use it to heal her wound.

"I always had a bloody dirty mouth. See you tomorrow, princess," he said, his voice carrying a smirk that she could practically feel on his lips. With that enigmatic remark, he left her alone in the kitchen.

Despite Caterina's determination not to let the man's taunts affect her, that night proved challenging. Sleep eluded her as her mind was consumed with thoughts of his alluring mouth and lips, and the inexplicable allure they held over her.


The morning sunlight bathed the marketplace in the quaint town of Piscicolle, infusing it with a lively spectrum of people. While it bore resemblances to the marketplaces Caterina had observed in Silhouette, the vibrancy here erupted into a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colours. The cobblestone streets, unlike the uniform dark basalt stones of Silhouette, showcased a delightful contrast in Piscicolle. Here, the cobbled pathways featured a mix of dark basalt and white limestone stones, which revealed an exquisite medley of patterns. These ranged from intricate geometric mosaics to entrancing swirling designs that evoked the undulating waves of the ocean.

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