CHAPTER 3: trouble in paradise

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The day went smooth for Zhan and or some reason, he didn't see Yeong and his friends anywhere. He took that as a good thing and thought that they might be scared that he might press charges against them after what they did to him. Zhan himself didn't know what had happened that day, all he knew was that he was bleeding from the head and the next thing he knew was waking up in the hospital. Even when his grandmother asked what had happened, he honestly didn't lie to her, but what he kept from her was that he was being bullied.

How was he going to tell her that he was being what was really going on when he should be the one protecting her..? So he didn't lie, he just didn't tell her what was really going on, there's a least that's what Zhan thought. Yeong knew where he lived and he even visited his grandmother while he was out, he was scared what would happen if they were to hurt her next time when he wasn't around. Knowing where he lives was already a bad thing, but sitting down and and having a conversation with his grandmother was another. He felt really uncomfortable and for the first time he had fear, not gear for himself but fear for his beloved grandmother.

It was lunch time and Zhan's friend Angela in the cafeteria, having their lunch, which was unusual for Zhan. Even the regulars were shocked to see Zhan there since he always kept to himself and preferred reading or studying in his free time. He didn't really eat much at college, even though his grandmother gave him money to buy lunch, he would save that money and maybe buy a drink when it was really hot. So beeing in the cafeteria was not something he would have done if Angela didn't drag him there. She was worried about Zhan after what had happened a week ago, she really cares about Zhan.

"Zhan, I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you from those thugs. We should've done something sooner before things got to that, but I guess our group of friends are real cowards cause they didn't even stand up to their friend when he needed someone to speak for him. I'm no better cause I'm one of them, I'm sorry I didn't do anything, I'm sorry for being such a coward. "

"It's okay Angie, I didn't expect you guys to do anything anyway. It's my problem and I'd rather not have you involved in it. So don't worry about it okay..?"

"No Zhan, that's not enough, I should have done something to–."

"To what...? Huh..? To force the principal to act..? To threaten him that you would protest if something wasn't done about Yeong and his friend...? Didn't you already do that..?"

"Wha-what do you mean..?"

"Come in Angie, I heard what you did while I was in the hospital. I'm so happy now that I have a friend like you, thank you for standing up to me like you did, and for taking g me to the hospital when the professors didn't even want to take me there."

"I...Uhm...who told you about that...? That's I...I threatened the principal...?"

"It doesn't matter who told me, I'm just happy that you're able to stand up for yourself and be bold to point out where the problem is. You're quite a brave squirrel..(chuckle)"

"Zhan....I told you to never call me by that nickname, it's"

"So not you..? I know... I wanted to tease you with it before I stop using it. Then what should I call you..?"

"You're already caalimg me by my half name, what do you need to call me another name for..? You're the only one who calls me Angela except my parents. "

"Okay....I will call you ...."

"How about you call me bǎobèi...that would be acceptable"

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