CHAPTER 1: Parents

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It was a cold rainy day when Zhan was coming back from school one day that he saw his front gate opened. There were drag marks on the muddy ground, stained with blood that stretched in the water out the gate to the side walk outside the gate. He stopped as fear struck his weak bones to the core, preventing him from going any further.

He didn't want to go further, but he had to, it was his home afterall. The closer he walked towards the door, the more blood was in the ground. By the time he reached the door, a strong smell of blood hit his senses, 8t was then he knew...he wasn't going to take what was waiting for him inside the rooms of the three times house.

He slowly and carefully took a step by step inside the kitchen. There were dishes and pots which looked to be scattered around the kitchen while they had food inside. The gas stove was not on but there was a strong smell of gas, which indicated that it was not tightly switched off, but he didn't care about that. It was more likely that all the throwing if the dishes was done while some food was being cooked. He stopped in his tracks and he felt his whole body shiver when he saw a hand in one of the two bedrooms, sticking out towards the door.

Zhan began to cry, he felt weak on his knees and felt like life had been sucked out of his body. That was because he knew who the hand belonged to, even though he hated to admit it, he knew very well that his life was never going to be the same again. His feet dragged themselves to his room, where he saw the hand sticking out, and there he found a horror that he only saw in movies and never knew existed in real life.

His mother was laying there, her hand cut off from her body and sticking out from inside Zhan's bedroom. Her lifeless body was laying across the floor with the head under Zhan's bed. Her one leg seemed to be twisted and broken while the other one had markings engraved on them. The markings looked to be done by her own arm bone which looked like her hand was broken into two pieces and by which weapon he didn't know. It was physically impossible for a bone to be broken like that by any human.

In he walked towards her mother to read the engravings and he couldn't make out what they really meant. It was they were the initials of something, he decided to take out his phone and take a photo of it. He went to the other room, which was his parents room and there he found his father's lifeless body laying in the bloodied carpet with no engravings or torn limbs like his mother's body.

The only thing in the bedroom was the blood and the lifeless bodies, but other than that, the rooms looked still intact from the books in the nightstand and the hanged towel on the end of the bed. Zhan was brave as he saw his parents like that, he didn't cry nor hesitate to take out his phone to take a shot of the engraving engraved on his mother's thigh. He walked out and went to switch off and carefully and tightly shut the gas from the gas cylinder before he walked out of the house and called the police.

Three days later, Zhan finally arrived at his grandmother's house. The police has asked where his other relative lived so that he could live there while they would be busy taking evidence and making sure the place was free if blood since he was still young to see. What they didn't know was that Zhan had already walked in and say the worst there was to see, even managed to take a few pictures. So...the house was going to be cleaned spotless by the people who were incharge of cleaning the crime scenes so that Zhan doesnt face the traumatic experience of cleaning his parent's blood.

When they arrived, his grandmother had already been called and given the heads up about what had happened. They found her waiting outside the house with her hands on her head, mourning what had happened to his son and her wife. Yes, she was Zhan's paternal grandmother and she was still strong to walk around and do chores in the house. She had raised Zhan when he was little before they moved away when her son found a job in the city and they rented and three roomed house to live in.

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