Monday? What's that?

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By the way I don't even remember the stuff I wrote before so why should I? Anyways here's a chapter. Got busy the past couple of weeks so yeah lmao. Oh and yes Kiyotaka very OOC but yes. Fanfiction. No need to stick to canon when we could enjoy stuff like these.

Ever tried skipping classes? Well then here we are.

The soft rays of the midday sun filtered through the curtains of the cozy dorm room at ANHS, casting a warm glow on the worn wooden table. Kiyotaka sat at one end, a determined look on his face, a cookbook open before him. With recipes he has yet to try. Today was a special day; he had promised Hiyori lunch today, and he was determined to make it a delicious one. She was the one who cooked for the majority of the times they ate lunch. 

Hiyori, his adorable girlfriend, had been making delicious food everyday, preparing for her future together with him. Kiyotaka could see the gleam in her eyes whenever they eat together and he compliments her cooking, and he wanted to do something to show his appreciation for her hard work. Cooking lunch seemed like the perfect way to do it in.

Kiyotaka had never been much of a cook. His culinary skills were limited to breakfast. But he was willing to put in the effort to learn, if only to bring a smile to Hiyori's face. He had spent the past few days watching Hiyori cook and looking up popular recipes for lunch.

After much deliberation, he finally settled on a recipe for chicken and vegetable stir-fry. It seemed simple enough, and the colorful photos in the cookbook made it look appetizing. Hiyori did say she liked simple meals prepared with meticulous effort. Kiyotaka had made a shopping list and carefully checked off all the ingredients he needed. Armed with bags of groceries, he had returned to the dorm, ready to embark on his culinary adventure. Hiyori told him she would be in the library to look for materials to read. Knowing her, she would come home after a longer period of time passes if she becomes engrossed in what she'll read. 

He found it bold of her go to the library due to them skipping classes at this moment. 

As he meticulously chopped vegetables and marinated the chicken, Kiyotaka couldn't help but think about Hiyori. She had been such a positive presence in his life since that time. Her infectious laughter, her loving words, and her unwavering support had made a profound impact on him. He was deeply in love with her, and he wanted to express it in the best way he knew how—through food. Oh and her clingy nature too. 

The sizzle of the pan brought Kiyotaka's attention back to the task at hand. He carefully placed the marinated chicken pieces into the hot skillet, listening to the satisfying sound of them searing. As he added the vegetables and stirred the contents of the pan, the kitchen filled with the tantalizing aroma of garlic and ginger.

Kiyotaka's mind raced as he continued to cook. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What if he messed up the meal? The amount of ingredients? What if it didn't taste as good as he hoped it would? But he pushed those doubts aside, determined to give it his best effort.

"Why the hell am I lying in my thoughts"

The stir-fry was coming together nicely. The vibrant colors of the vegetables contrasted beautifully with the golden-brown chicken. Kiyotaka tasted the sauce he had prepared, making slight adjustments to the seasoning to ensure it was just right. As he took a final taste, a satisfied small smile crept onto his face. It was delicious.

With the stir-fry ready, Kiyotaka set about plating the meal. He carefully arranged the food on two plates, making sure each portion looked as appealing as possible. He added a sprig of fresh cilantro as a garnish, hoping it would add a touch of elegance to the dish.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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I'm Shiina Hiyo-u can get out of my sight.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora