As the group moved stealthily towards the lighthouse, Caterina steeled herself for the task ahead. It was a risky mission, fraught with danger, but she was ready. She felt a surge of adrenaline as they neared their destination. The night was dark, the path dangerous, but Caterina was determined. She was ready to do whatever it took to complete her mission.

The base of the lighthouse was deserted, offering them a fortuitous entry point. The door creaked open to reveal a dimly lit interior, with faint voices echoing from a hatch on the floor. Peering down, Caterina saw a ladder descending into a cabin beneath. At the bottom, a lone guard was descending the staircase, likely the one from the entrance.

Without a moment's hesitation, Saulo descended the ladder, his movements swift and silent. Caterina followed suit, leaving the two men to keep watch at the entrance. They found themselves in a submerged cabin, dimly lit by a single ceiling lamp. The guards, clearly confused, were focused on the large window facing the ocean. Seizing the opportunity, Saulo and Caterina swiftly incapacitated them.

The window offered no view of the underwater world outside, a strange obscurity tinged with dark shades of blue obscuring any potential threats. Armed with weapons from the fallen guards, they made their way back up the ladder. Under the faint light, Caterina studied the two men who had accompanied them. One was the man who had given her the message - a middle-aged man with a distinct, curved nose. The other was younger and exuded an air of authority, his strong eyebrows and muscular arms hard to miss.

Ascending the lighthouse's spiral staircase, they overpowered the remaining guards. Their attention had been drawn towards something out at sea. Following their gaze, Saulo appeared hopeful at what he saw. Without wasting any time, he signalled for them to follow and led the way out of the lighthouse. Outside, the wind howled, whipping up the sea into a frenzy. In the distance, a boat bobbed in the water, its light a beacon of hope. To reach it, they would have to paddle one of the old fisherman's boats docked on the other side of the prison wall. This meant a daring swim along the edge of the wall that extended out into the sea. There was no time to waste. They had to make it to the boat before the guards regained consciousness or the ever-watchful crows spotted them. The night was so dark that the only source of light was the lighthouse's rotating beam, momentarily illuminating their path every few minutes.

As they neared the edge of the prison wall, Caterina made a swift decision to discard her heavy jacket and boots. The added weight would only hinder her progress in the water. The others followed her lead, stripping themselves of any unnecessary clothing. With a deep breath, they plunged into the icy sea. The chill of the water was a shock to Caterina's system, causing her muscles to stiffen involuntarily. Yet, she was grateful for the approaching summer season which had warmed the waters slightly, saving them from the piercing cold of winter.

Halfway through their swim, rain began to pour down on them. It added to the challenge, making their journey even more difficult. Her arms ached from battling the waves that seemed determined to push them back. Despite the cold gnawing at her bones and her teeth chattering uncontrollably, Caterina persisted. She kept her eyes on the end of the wall, using it as her guiding beacon. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she reached the end of the wall. Saulo and the two men were already a few meters ahead, having made it past the wall quicker. Determined not to lose sight of them, Caterina forced herself to pick up the pace.

Suddenly, the unmistakable cawing of crows filled the air. The sound seemed to be coming from the direction of the guard's building. Panic surged through her. If the guards were alerted to their escape, all their efforts would be in vain. They needed to reach the boat before it was forced to flee. Despite her exhaustion, Caterina pressed on. Her legs felt like lead, but she willed them to keep moving. Every inch forward felt like a victory.

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