partying pt 2

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It's now a few days later, 4am on a Friday morning, and Dream is bored, and he also happened to be missing a certain blue raspberry flavoured party boy. So he went against his better judgement, and pulled out his phone to text George again.

Dream and George had been texting for a better part of 2 days since the party, and Sapnap has surely noticed Dream's newfound good mood and constant staring at his phone. Dream thought George was the funniest fucking person in the world after having conversations with him, and Sapnap thinks to himself that he's never seen Dream laugh that hard in a long time.

(4:17 AM) Dream: hey georgie

(4:17 AM) George: hm i was wondering when u were gonna text me again

(4:18 AM) Dream: aww missed me that much?

(4:18 AM) Dream: im pretty sure i last talked 2 u like

(4:18 AM) Dream: 4 hours ago at most

(4:18 AM) George: i nvr said that i missed u

(4:18 AM) George: dont get too full of urself dreamie

(4:19 AM) Dream: :(

(4:19 AM) George: well not to boost ur ego idiot but maybe i did miss u

(4:19 AM) George: u should come over rn my roomates out

(4:20 AM) Dream: i cant :( its like 4am i have class tmrw

(4:20 AM) George: i have weed

(4:20 AM) George: and ill let u kiss me again lol

And how could Dream pass up an opportunity like that?

(4:21 AM) George: dorm hall b room a104

(4:21 AM) Dream: omw princess

Dream doesn't think he's ever rushed faster, hurrying out of bed and sliding on grey sweatpants, a white tee and his letterman jacket.

He grabbed his keys in a hurry, and headed to the door. Not before sparing a quick glance over to a sleeping (and snoring) Sapnap and deciding to pull out his phone and send him a quick "going 2 a friends if u wake up n im not here. c u tmo".

Thankfully, Dream knows where Dorm Hall B was from one of his football teammates living over here, so it doesn't take him long to get there before he's knocking on George's door.

And when George opens the door, it's just like the first time they met. Dream might forget how to breathe again when George grabs him by the wrist and hurriedly tugs him in the room, Dream kicking the door shut behind him.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show" George smirked, throwing his arms around Dream's neck before leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to Dream's lips.

When he pulled away, Dream scoffed. "I took like five minutes," He argued teasingly.

George rolled his eyes, leaving his arms around Dream's neck. "Seven actually, and you really missed me that much, hm?"

"As if you weren't counting the minutes it took me to get here" Dream answered.

George rolled his eyes once more, before kissing Dream again to shut him up. They stayed like that for a while, until George pulled away completely. Dream wanted to whine and tell George to come back, but then he realized he's just being fucking stupid.

"C'mon, let's smoke" George decided. Dream followed him to his white cracked painted desk, where he already had a grinder, a cigarette, weed and tobacco laid out on the table.

"Do you even smoke cigarettes?" Dream questioned, with a teasing smirk.

George just shrugged him off, as he packed the last of the empty cigarette with weed. "Not really, I just steal them off of my roommate, Karl. He still smokes cigarettes because he's a fucking loser and I get too lazy and too high to roll joints so, it kind of works" George explained.

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