Chapter 6 - Leah

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the grudge

I was sat at a table with my lunch and Kaite, waiting for Beth and Viv. Katie had been acting weird these past few days, but I hadn't thought much of it until now.

I watched her as she tapped on her phone, stop, then do it again. "What are you up to?" I asked.


"Out of all my friends, you're probably the one with the thickest accent." I joked. She was back on her phone, not paying any attention to me or my comment. "McCabe."

"Sorry, what'd you say?"

"Nothing. Never mind." I bit into my sandwich just as Beth and Viv came over. "Tell Katie to join in on conversation."

"Why?" Beth peeked over our friend's shoulder. Katie clicked the side button on her phone. "What are you hiding?"

"I've got nothing to hide."

Katie's phone buzzed.

"Oh, come on, McCabe! Let me see!"

"I—It's Rue! She sent a nude!"

"Oh," Beth moved next to me. "No thank you."

Viv and I began to laugh even though now I was suspicious of whatever she was actually hiding.

"You three—Well, maybe not you, Viv—are so nosy." Katie huffed.

"I would think I like to be informed—"

"Guys, Jonas introduced me to the transfer!" Laura dropped her plate and sat down next to Katie. "She's hot. Like insanely attractive."

"You—You did?" Katie stuttered.

"What's her name?" Beth asked.

"Laura, don't answer that." Katie grabbed the girl's shirt. "Come with me."


"Now, Laura!" The Austrian was quickly pulled away by our Irish teammate.

"Katie knows something." Viv spoke up.

"Definitely." I nodded.

"Hello girls." A voice came up from behind.

"Hey, Lia." Viv smiled.

"What are we talking about? And why did I watch Laura get dragged off by McCard?" Lia took a seat.

"Apparently, Laura met the transfer and—"

"What's her name?"

"No clue. All she got out was 'She's hot' and 'Insanely attractive' then Katie pulled her away. So, we're not entirely sure what's going on?" Beth said.

"Right, okay. I remember us talking about it a week or so ago, but I haven't heard anything since."

"I haven't heard anything about a possible transfer. There hasn't even been much movement in any leagues either." We all sort of eyed Vivianne. "Don't act like I don't look at transfer news. I think it's cool."

"We're back." Katie sat down. Laura was unusually quiet now. "Hey, Lia."


"What was that about?" I asked. Katie shrugged and went back to eating. "Laura?"

"Sworn to secrecy." Katie spoke. Her eyes were back on her phone. Her phone buzzed in hand. "I've gotta bounce. I've got some things to do before my weight session."

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