Introduction ^-^

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Hello! Welcome to Sing 3: Moon Theater Magic!

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Hello! Welcome to Sing 3: Moon Theater Magic!

This is a collaborative story that will be worked on by several different authors. This chapter will likely be revised later, but as I'm writing it there are two authors working on the writing and the visuals. The two of us will go by aliases so that you're never confused about who's responsible for what! For instance, I'm author one, but I'll go by Flappy-chan for the remainder of the chapters you will see my work in! The beginning of each chapter there should be a header indicating who is writing. Our wonderful author two will be going by Terrible-senpai.

edit: We are adding our third and final author, Copsuki! Please welcome him nicely :) He will also be doing some of our artwork and writing chapters. His name will be in the headers of his chapters. Edit over.

I won't make time here for us both to introduce ourselves, as I hope our personalities will shine through our writing! (And the occasional authors note.) All art included in this story will have been created by one of us, and not every chapter will be illustrated. We will be trying to replicate eachothers styles in order to keep the drawings consistent.

We expect to delve into some darker topics, such as trauma and toxic relationships,
but will not portray anything graphically and will do our best to handle such things with care.
Please do comment anything you like and we will try to respond quickly. See you there!

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