sending the note.

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(here's ur request:)

i walked to my desk opening my drawer to get paper and a pen,I set the paper on the desk and started to write.
hey Pelle!
it's y/n I wanted to say hello and how have you been it's been a little since I've last written to you and I'm sorry I've just been so busy lately but I'm sure you get it,schools nice I guess the same stuff going on but I have important news!

i got accepted into art school!


I get to visit you soon since it's in Norway!

I'm excited to see you Pelle and the next time we talk it'll be in person,see you October 4th Pelle have a good day!

I got up and set it in the mailbox putting up the flag so the mail carrier can send it to him,I walk back into my house and finish packing for school.

it's been awhile and this was actually a request so thank you!the next update will be up soon byee!

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