Close to the end

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I came back to Sweden to visit her,my girlfriend y/n.this might be for the last time though.I walk through he neighborhood to find her house witch now isn't to far away.
I look down at the ground and soon notice I'm at her house.I walk up to the door and knock holding out flowers for her and a necklace I used to ware,I think it's better if she has it now.
Then her mom opens the door.

"Hi miss y/l/n is y/n here"-P
"Yes she's in her room"-y/m/n

She moves to the side and I walk in and walk up the stairs I hear music playing loudly,I turn to the left and see her room.I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in!"-y/n

I open the door and see her at her desk.


She got up quickly and hugged me,I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.I heard sniffling and noticed she was crying.

"Don't cry"-P
"S-sorry I just missed you"-y/n
"I missed you to...oh these are for you"-P

I held out the flowers and necklace and she smiled and took them placing them on her bed.

"Thank you Pelle"-y/n
"No problem"-p

We didn't talk for a moment I look at her and noticed she's wareing black pajamas with black silk shorts.I pulled her into me and kissed her.
I missed her so much.she kissed back and she stumbled pushing us onto her bed.she was on top of me but we stoped.

"You okay Pelle?"-y/n

She moved to the other side of the bed and grabbed my hand.

"So how's mayhem"-y/n
"It's okay I just wish you were there"-p
"Maybe soon I'll try to get on a train and get to Norway I would love to see you"-y/n

I smiled when she said that.but will I be gone by then...I don't want to tell her the truth on how it is she would be worried and I can't worry her.
She knows about my cutting...

"Have you been well?"-y/n
"I've been okay how have you been"-p
"Good even better that your here"-y/n

She moved so her head was on my chest.I put my arms around her and held her closer then ever almost like she would disappear any minute.

"Pelle if you ever need to talk you know I'm here"-y/n
"I know"-p

I ran my hands through her hair and stared at her celling.this is the last time I'll hold her close...ever...

"If anything does happen to me ever you can have what we you want of mine" -p
"Why are you saying that?"-y/n

I just looked at her.

"You sure your okay?"-y/n

She was concerned for me.i watched her get up and sit on top of me,I also sat up and looked into her eyes.
She quickly pulled me into a kiss,the only thing that matters right now is her.I licked the bottom of her lip.she slightly opened her mouth,
She pushed me back into the bed and I flipped us over i started unbuttoning her shirt and taking it off.

Then the door opened...

We both looked at the door and saw her little brother,fuck.I quickly put a blanket over her and we both saw her brothers face he looked mortified.


He closed the door and left.

"Thank god I have a bra on"-y/n

We both looked at eachother and laughed.

"We scared the poor guy!"-p

We looked at the time and noticed how late it now was.i looked at her.

"Wanna Go to bed?"-p

I got up from her bed and turned off the lights.I moved back over to her and took off my jeans and jacket and crawled in next to her.this will be my last time holding her.
I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer into me.falling asleep not to long after.

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