Part 7!!

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Taylor, I'm sorry
It was nothing I swear
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Taylor please answer

Taylor's pov

I've been laying in bed for the whole day. I haven't eaten or done much mostly just drank water, slept, and played on my phone. My mom walks in and says "Tay-bug you need to eat and take a shower." "I will." I say. " I made you a parfait and iced coffe but you have to come down stares to eat." Ok just give me a minute please and I'll come down there." I say. I get up and look at myself in the mirror my messy bun is basically not even a bun any more, my mascara is smudged all over my eyes and I'm in pajama pant and a oversized t shirt. I put on my slippers and go down stairs to the kitchen. My mom hands me the parfait and the coffee, I eat drink the coffee, then go back upstairs and get it the shower.

  When I got out I got changed, watched tiktok for a little bit and then put my tennis shoes on and went outside to play basketball. I have to play on the Nuemanns basketball court because our parents just thought that it would be fine if we just all shared one, but now I have a chance of running into Nelson, which I wouldn't have minded until yesterday. I picked up the girls basketball and started shooting. It had only been 30 minutes and Nelson walked outside. "Taylor can we talk?" Nelson asks." No I don't wanna talk to you right now."I say running back to my house. We would have to talk eventually but not now. I didn't want to. I have practice tomorrow with RWE and I'm just gonna have to do my best to ignore him.

   When I got back up to my room, I got changed into my pajamas and went to bed.
    I woke up to my alarm and got outta bed, put my clothes on that I was going to wear to practice, did my hair and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Taylor practice doesn't start until two and it's 10:00 why are you already in your stuff." My mom asks. "Oh I thought it started at 12:00 but can we leave at like 12:30 cause I wanna get there early." I say. "Yes." My moms says. After I ate I went up stairs and watched YouTube for a little bit then at 12:30 I went downstairs filled up my water bottle and got in the car. When we got there, I got out and went into the gym. I was the first one there thankfully I wanted to get there before Nelson so I could just shoot and think for a little bit.

At 1:30 Cam got there and asked me. "Damn girl, how early did you get here?" "1:00."I say.
"Shit a hour early,ok." Cam says. 10 minutes after that Nelson got there and walked over to me and said. "Can I shoot with you?" " I'm good I just wanna shoot by myself." I say. He walked off to the other side of the court. I felt kind of bad. I've never really been rude or ignored him before besides when I was yelling at him the other today.

Alexis speaks!!
This is kind of a short chapter, but I wanted the next one to be Nelsons Pov

Flipped (a Nelson Neumann Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin