True Nature

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On a summer night, in the backyard located outside the city, the tribe of the werewolves engaged in the sacred ceremony of rebirth. There were ten werewolves, all in their wolf forms, forming a perfect circle, singing a sensual song composed of a mix of words and smooth howling. Behind them, a little way off, stood Ron, a massive and formidable wolf, although he wasn't a source of pride for his family until that particular moment. At the center of this circle of werewolves rested a metal bottle containing the precious water of salvation.

Suddenly, in the midst of the ceremony, the ten werewolves were ruthlessly slaughtered by mysterious assassins who emerged from everywhere. Astonishingly, Ron remained unharmed.

It all started three hours earlier in a family dinner. Ron, his sister, his mother, and his father were all eating their fancy dinner at home, in their human shapes. They were all silent and serious, but Ron was extremely sad. Actually, Ron, who is 20 years old, was living the saddest moments of his life because his fiancé, who is human, broke up with him after she saw his wolf shape. Sadly, Ron had lost many people he knew since he was a little boy, all because of his wolf shape.

"Why the hell do you give so much value to human beings?" said Ron's sister in a serious tone while looking at him. She stood tall for her age, her ebony hair cropped short, framing a determined face with a petite nose and lips, and intense, obsidian eyes that seemed to pierce through the air. Despite her slender frame, particularly noticeable in her athletic attire, her wiry muscles hinted at a hidden strength. She wasn't just any teenager; she was one of the strongest wolves in her tribe, her aura exuding confidence and power.

Ron heard what his sister said but didn't answer her. Instead, he continued swimming deeper into his own melancholic memories, the sadness reflecting plainly on his face.

"Aren't you going to answer your sister, Ron?" said Ron's mother, her voice carrying a weight of authority. She stood petite in stature but exuded an air of quiet strength, her tall black hair cascading gracefully around her shoulders. Her small nose and ears accentuated the sharp angles of her face, while her wide black eyes, magnified by her glasses, bore a keen intelligence. Despite her casual attire, she occupied her seat with a regal presence, an aura of prestige enveloping her, making it almost impossible to fathom her secret identity as a werewolf.

Again, Ron refused to answer and kept looking down at the table. The truth is, Ron hated being a werewolf. He always wanted to be a normal human being and never change into that scary monster that freaks people out.

"Why can't you be like the rest of us?" said Ron's father with an angry face before he added "why do you refuse your gift?". The father, unquestionably the patriarch of the house, was a stout man with a massive physique and an equally substantial mustache. His bald head was almost perfectly round, and his brown eyes, large nose, and prominent ears added to his imposing demeanor. He always wore shirts paired with black or brown elegant pants, a uniform befitting a successful businessman. Moreover, his wolf form was magnificent, making him the leader of the werewolf tribe and the guardian of the water of salvation for many years.

"A gift?" said Ron after standing up quickly. He was expressing an angry face with watered eyes as he spoke.

"You call this a gift? This is a curse! Anyone who has seen my other half feared me!" said Ron in the same angry attitude, but then he looked down and said in a low voice, "how can it be a gift when it only makes me alone," before he left the dinner table and went outside.

Ron's family remained at the dinner table, completing their meal in silence. Afterward, their father informed Ron's sister that she would replace Ron in the rebirth ceremony that was happening that night. Meanwhile, far from Ron's house, the leaders of the Dark Werewolves were expressing their strong desire to obtain the water of salvation, like they do every three years. However, their efforts were in vain as they had no knowledge of the location of the rebirth ceremony. It's important to note that the term "Dark Werewolves" refers to those werewolves who cannot withstand daylight, unlike Ron's people.

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