The Battle Trials part 1

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   "So, Azmuth made some "adjustments" to the omnitrix yesterday? It doesn't look different to me" Eijirou said, eyes now focused on the watch that was strapped to his friend's wrist.

It was the day after Azmuth had visited the Midoriya household. It had taken about an hour for the galvin to update the omnitrix system.  He wasn't really specific on what he had updated, only saying that he had gotten rid of some glitches.

"That's what I said" Izuku replied, looking at the watch and then to his friends.  All four of them had gotten up extra early that morning so they could get to class before everyone else.  This was a benefit for them as they had time to discuss plumber business without anyone listening in on them.  At the moment, they were all sitting in the classroom, desks facing each other, looking at the omnitrix.  They were all a bit horrified when Izuku told them that the omnitrix could be set to detonate, a function that none of them wanted to test.  He also told them about what Azmuth said about Tennyson-san.

"The previous holder of the omnitrix really does sound like a nice guy" Ochako cheerfully smiled.

"I still can't believe the guy was ten years old when he first found the omnitrix" Kyoka sounded a bit perplexed.

"Yeah, giving that kind of power to a ten-year-old doesn't sound very safe" the other three couldn't help but nod at what Eijirou said.  Then again, quirks usually manifested at the age of four or five, so, maybe it wasn't too farfetched.

Before he could get his thoughts out, the group was interrupted by the presence of Tenya Ida.

"Put the desks back the correct way! This is being disrespectful to the school!" The blue-haired teen waved his hands in a chopping manner.

"Would you shut up, four eyes!? It's too fucking early!" Izuku didn't need to even see the person to know who that was.  It was Bakugo, of course, as early as usual.  He seemed to get more annoyed once he noticed Izuku had gotten to class earlier than him.  Izuku seemed to care less and less about the blonde's superiority complex, so it didn't really bother him.

He, instead, focused on pushing the desks back into their correct places.

"Welp, parties over" Eijirou said in a joking manner that made Izuku laugh.

"Aww, man" Kyoka and Ochako said simultaneously before looking at each other and laughing as well. 

"What am I missing?" said a now thoroughly confused Ida.

He never got an answer to his question due to the rest of the class piling into the classroom. There wasn't as much of a rush to get to seats as there was on the first day, something Aizawa-sensei applauded.  From the minute he stepped in the room, class began.

The final class of the day was already here.  Heroics, the reason they were all there in the first place.  Sure, the other classes were interesting but, this was the hero course, not general studies.

As Izuku had imagined, the rest of the class was full of excitement.  He, however, was not as thrilled.  This was the class that All Might was supposed to be teaching.  Even now, he could hear the rumors flowing through the room.  It made his stomach churn.

"This is going to be awesome!"

"All Might is going to be teaching us! I can't wait!"

Poor Izuku, things would only get worse from there.

Suddenly, the back door of the classroom flies open. 

"I'M COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" said a very familiar booming voice.

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