Chapter 8

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There was a moment of silence before the teens were really able to process what they had just been asked.  Aliens?  Was he serious?

"Aliens?!"  Uraraka's eyes were the size of dinner plates.

"You're joking, right?" Jiro gave an incredulous look.

Kirishima didn't have a reply, choosing nervous laughter over actual words.

Izuku looked equally as surprised, but then stopped to look down at his watch.  Aizawa smirked again.  The boy was making a connection. 

"It's no joke!" a cheerful voice from one of the speakers caught the attention of everyone present.  The hologram projector in the center of the room suddenly bursts to life, displaying a projection of what looked to be a white mouse in a suit.  The mouse had a scar over his right eye.  He was standing with his arms behind his back.  He then raised one paw to wave at the four teens.  

"Hello there!" He put his paw behind his back again.  "My name is Nezu, and I am the principal of UA high school, the number one hero school in all of Japan" 

"Whoa!  So, you're the principal of UA?"  Kirishima asked as he got closer.

"I didn't think you would be so..."  Jiro trailed off.

"Kawaii!"  Uraraka finished.

"That's not what I was going to say, but alright" Jiro sighed.

Nezu laughed slightly at the teen's behavior.  Oh, to be a young a mind.

"That's alright, I've been called things that are far worse.  Now, as you now know, I am the principal of UA.  However, I also have a more serious job".  The group listened in closely, practically begging him to go on.

"I am the head of the Plumbers, an alien monitoring group that was founded right here in Japan" There was that word again, aliens.  Kirishima raised his hand.

"What kind of aliens are we exactly talking about?  Like illegal aliens? " The smile on the principal's face never left its spot.  He shook his head slightly.

"Not at all..." As Nezu started speaking, another hologram screen popped up, this time showing different images.  Each image contained a person that looked like a human with a severe mutation quirk.  Izuku didn't recognize any of them.  That was, until a familiar looking individual holding a what looked to be a futuristic looking pistol showed up on screen.

"Hey!  Isn't that one of your forms, Midoriya?  That's Diamondhead!"  Kirishima pointed at the screen.  All, eyes were on Izuku now.  He simply stood there, looking at the figure on the hologram in front of him.  He didn't know what to say.  It looked like Diamondhead, but it wasn't.

"Interesting, so the Omnitrix does have a sample of Petrosapien DNA within it" Aizawa said as he wrote something down on piece of paper he had.  This snapped Izuku back to reality.

"The Omni-what?" He must have looked confused.  It was Nezu who responded.

"The Omnitrix. It's the name of the watch on your wrist, Midoriya.  It is said to hold the DNA samples of over ten thousand aliens" Izuku took a look at the newly named Omnitrix.  He had no clue it was of alien origin.  That would make sense how it fell from the sky and the fact that it acted like it was alive, jumping onto him like it did. 

"Wait, how do you know what it's called?" Jiro had her hands on her hips

"It's because the founder of this universe's plumbers, a man by the name of Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, was one of the original bearers of the Omnitrix" 

"Benjamin Kirby Tennyson?  Sounds American" Kirishima was the first to respond

"Sounds kind of funny" Uraraka giggled.  Izuku laughed too.  It was a pretty strange name.  However, something else caught his mind.

"What do you mean by "'this universe"?"

"Ah, I thought you would catch onto that.  Yes, I said this universe for a reason.  You see, Tennyson-san came to this universe from his own universe to fight an old enemy of his named Vilgax.  While he was here, he, I, and a few other pro heroes formed a unit of the plumbers in this universe to protect us from future attacks and, as I mentioned before, to monitor the aliens who live here in this universe".

Once again, there was a moment of silence for the teens as they processed that information.

"This day just keeps getting weirder" Jiro rubbed her forehead.

"First aliens, and now different universes? What's next?" Uraraka crossed her arms.

"Is any of this making sense to you, Midoriya?" Kirishima turned to look at the green haired teen. 

"Well, we live in a world where almost everyone has a superpower of some sort.  Who's to say aliens and other universes don't exist?"

"Now that you mention it, that is a good point, Midoriya-san"  Uraraka pipes in , suddenly behind Izuku.

"Oh! Thanks!" Izuku yelped in surprise, a deep red blush creeping onto his face.  

A slight cough from EraserHead gets the teens back on track.  They look back to the projector.  Principal Nezu didn't seem bothered at all by the teens getting off topic.  He was waiting patiently.

"Now, as to where you all come in.  You have all been selected based on different circumstances.  For example..." he pauses and turns to Jiro ", Kyoka Jiro, are quite an amazing hacker, as I have heard".  Jiro's face immediately turns a bright red as she was not expecting to be praised for such a skill.  She mutters a small "thanks".

"For you, Izuku Midoriya, it's because you are the new bearer of the omnitrix".  Izuku looks down at the watch again.  The legacy of the omnitrix was now passed down to him.  Would he be able to rise to the challenge and become a great hero?

"...and for you, Eijiro Kirishima,  bearing witness to several of Midoriya's alien transformation has landed you a spot".  Kirishima didn't quite know how to feel about it, being recruited just because of something he witnessed.  He chose not to question it too much and just go along for the crazy ride.

"Finally, Ochako Uraraka, you were saved by an alien hero around three years ago, if I'm not mistaken".  Eyes were now on Uraraka out of curiosity.  She was saved by an actual alien, who would have thought?  She just smiled and nodded.


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