Chapter 12: Festival to Remember

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" A festival?"

"...With live music and entertainment?"

"...and free food and games with admittance?"

It was another Sunday afternoon, and the teens were gathered at their favorite spot to hang out, smoothie-san.  Suddenly, Uraraka presented a flyer to them.  It was for a festival that was happening the next day at around seven.  It advertised live music, good food, and carnival games.

"Yep, and it's only 1500 yen per person to enter" The brunette smiled.

"Wow, that's pretty cheap!"  Izuku exclaimed, slightly surprised.

"Mhm, I hope that's not a sign of bad things" Jiro jokingly added, causing Uraraka to pout.

"Where did you get this flyer anyways?"  Kirishima tilted his head slightly as he looked at the brunette.

"It was at a bakery with really good muffins and boba" She sighed as if in her own world of bliss.  The rest of the group sweat dropped at their friend's antics.  

"It does sound like fun though" Izuku looked back up from the flyer that he was now holding. The thought of a festival was pretty exciting. Izuku couldn't remember the last time he had gone to one. It was probably during the time that he and Bakugo were still friends, which was a long time ago. He couldn't remember much about it besides getting sick on one of the rides.

"Yeah, it seems like a good way to get our minds off of school" Kirishima said.

"...and the youth program" Uraraka added on.  The rest of the group couldn't help but agree.  For months now, they had been giving everything they had at strengthening not only themselves but their quirks as well.  It was tough, but there was definitely improvement to be seen.  Uraraka could make more things float without getting sick, Kirishima could take more hits without his quirk wearing out, Jiro could stretch her earlobes farther and could produce sound out of speakers much louder, and Izuku had figured out what all ten forms of the omnitrix could do and was starting to master each form.  Soon, they would be ready to take on the UA entrance exam. 

After another hour, the group went their separate ways.  All of their minds set on one thing, the festival.

It was after school the next day and Izuku was working in Varns' shop.  The job was pretty simple that day, just sorting through old books and helping customers whenever necessary.  Izuku was in a good mood, one could even say he was bubbling with excitement.  It was something his necrofriggan boss noticed quite early on.  

"Well, aren't you in a good mood today" Varns chuckled, his breath coming out like mist on a cold day.

"Oh, so you noticed..." Izuku blushed slightly "...Me and my friends are going to a festival downtown tonight, so, you could say I'm excited".

"Ah..." His boss replied, " First time?"

   "Yep, first time I can actually remember at least" Izuku smiled.

"Sounds fun.  I hope you have a good time, kid", and, with that, Varns disappeared into the shop, leaving Izuku to finish his work.  He didn't really find this disappearing act out of the ordinary anymore.  The necrofriggan did it all the time.  That along with his ability to permeate through objects as he were a ghost didn't faze Izuku.  

Once work was done, Izuku headed home to get ready to meet up with the team.  He told his mother about the festival, and she thought it was a great idea.  She was at the hospital, working when Izuku came home.  He went to his room and changed out of his school uniform and into something more comfortable.  He made sure to lock the door as he left and headed for the meeting spot.

"Midoriya! You made it!" Uraraka was first to greet him. 

"Yo!"  Kirishima joked while throwing up a peace sign.

"You ready?"  Jiro said.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Izuku smiled "Let's go!"

The group made their way to the festival, laughing and joking as they went.  They waited in line and paid to get in once they hit the entrance.  Once inside, there was so much to do and so much to look at.  Stands with food and games lined the whole street, there was a stage for the live music and a band getting ready, and all of this was packed into downtown.



"...AMAZING!"  Uraraka had the biggest smile on her face, her eyes practically had stars in them.  The group laughed at their friends' antics.

"Oh, Midoriya" Izuku heard his name being called and turned.  It was Hoshiko Fuji, her purple eyes seemed to glow in the dark.  

"Fuji-san! Hi! What are you doing here?"  His other friends were now looking on in curiosity.

"I came to see what this was about.  It's all so fun!"  She smiled "Have fun with your friends" 

Izuku waved as she retreated.  

"Who was that?"  Kirishima asked.

"That was Hoshiko Fuji, a classmate of mine, and also..." He leaned in and whispered " alien"

"Wait, huh!"

"Damn Midoriya, didn't know you were into that"

"What! No!  It's not like that at all!"  

"Relax I'm only teasing"

Izuku's cheeks weren't red, but kami-sama was that embarrassing. The teens quickly forgot about the incident as they enjoyed the night at the festival.  Uraraka won a game and got space hero 13 key chain to put on her bag, Kirishima was enjoying the food, Jiro enjoyed the band, and Izuku had enjoyed everything in general.  It was just a good time with good friends.  By the end, they were almost exhausted, until they noticed one of the group was missing.

"Hey, where's Uraraka?"  Jiro asked, looking around.  Izuku looked around too but saw no sign of the brunette.

"I don't know" Kirishima furrowed his brow.  Jiro took out her phone and began going through her contacts.

"Here we go, let's see if she responds" she said, putting the phone to her ear.  There were a few moments of ringtone until...

"Hey, Uraraka, where are you?... What do you mean?...No, what do you mean you're with... because we're with Midor...Wait don't hang up!...Uraraka!" Her eyes were wide as she was hung up on.  She looked back down at her phone for a second before addressing the two boys. 

"I have a bad feeling about this.  We need to find Uraraka, and fast!"  

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