He said that and disconnected the call. Bold of him to assume that you wouldn't 'panic' when he clearly said that Taehyung wasn't well, for you knew it that something big had happened, and thirty minutes later you found yourself running into the hospital with Hoseok forgetting about your pregnancy. You cried on Taeyeon's shoulders while sitting in front of the operation theater until Mrs Kim came along with Mr Kim and took you in her embrace. Namjoon explained everything to you all, how Taehyung was chased by Chanmi, how he jumped off his car before his car exploded, how Chanmi died in the fire and how they found him out by tracking his location and reached there to save him. You were just staring at the screen, watching the cctv footage which the officers were showing you, from the moment he was followed by the black car to the moment he was laying on the road lifeless in the rain until Namjoon and Yoongi reached there with an ambulance and the officers.

You had been sitting like a statue the whole night. Everyone knew that this was a huge shock to you and they knew that you wouldn't take any comfort from anyone until you see Taehyung all fine with your own eyes. It was around three in the morning when the doors of the operation theater opened and they declared that Taehyung was safe. Everyone was crying in happiness, but the only movement you showed was walking up to the doctor and asking him if you could meet Taehyung.


And since then you have been sitting beside Taehyung. You were watching him breathe through the oxygen mask, you were holding his hands at times and caressing them, you were running your fingers through his hair and kissing his forehead, basically you were doing everything to assure yourself that he was safe and sound in front of you. You were just praying for him. Namjoon and Yoongi went back to the police station to carry out the legal proceedings, as this was an attempt-to-murder case. Jin, Jungkook and Hoseok were staying in a nearby hotel while Jimin had taken Taeyeon and your in-laws home. Mrs Kim had asked you to get some sleep, but you didn't want to close your eyes until Taehyung didn't open his.

It was around 5 in the morning, and as if your prayers were answered, you felt him slightly moving his hand which was in your hold. You quickly pressed the calling bell multiple times and stood up. Taehyung slowly fluttered his eyes open and looked around until his gaze landed on you. He tried to get up but you gently pushed his body back down. "No no, don't get up, let the doctor check you first." You said while shaking your head. The doctor entered the room, checked a few things and took his oxygen mask off. "How are you feeling Mr Kim?" Taehyung looked up in response and nodded. "I feel better." His voice was low and weak which clenched your heart. "Mr Kim, we'll run a few tests later during the day, and you'll be discharged in two days." He said in his professional tone as you thanked him before he left.

You sighed as you went to sit on the stool but Taehyung stopped you by grasping your wrist. You looked into his eyes as he tried to get up again. You helped him and placed a few cushions behind his back as he leaned on them. "Sit beside me please." He spoke in a whisper, and you did what he told you. You sat on the bed facing him, but didn't speak a word. A few minutes passed by and none of you spoke a word. Taehyung was silently staring at you while you were lost in your thoughts. He slowly raised his hand and rested it over your cheek, which made you look at him. "Sweetheart..." You took in a deep breath when you heard him calling you by the nickname he had given you, as if you were hearing it after centuries. "Did I upset you?" He asked as you immediately shook your head. "Then why aren't you talking to me?" You looked away as your lips quivered. Last night's incident had shaken you to the core but you didn't want to pressurize Taehyung. He himself was in need of love and comfort, how would you ask him for it?

"Love... Look into my eyes and tell me, why aren't you talking to me? Do you hate me now?" His words made you gasp as you turned around in bewilderment. Your eyes glistened as you immediately held his face in your hands. "Never, never love never, how could you even say that Taehyung? Nothing in the world can make me hate you." You spoke sincerely as his heart melted. "Then why are you scared sweetheart? I can read it in your eyes, you're scared. What is it that you're scared of?" He asked softly as you bit your lips and your tears threatened to fall. "I thought I lost you..." You whispered.

"Oh my sweetheart..." He placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you towards him. You buried your face in his chest and started to sob loudly. You wrapped your arms around his torso as his heart started to ache and tears started to roll down his cheeks. He can't imagine what state you must have been in last night after seeing him in the operation theater, fighting for his life when he himself was scared to death that he might never be able to see you. He still remembers how much he wanted to be in your arms last night, how he wanted to see you if he was going to close his eyes for the last time. He can't explain, neither can you, how grateful you both were to the heavenly powers for giving you another chance to be in each other's embrace. He held you close to himself as you too tightened your grip around him. Moments passed and you both chose to stay like that, listening to each other's soft breathings and heartbeats.

"Y/n..." He called you as you hummed in response. "Last evening, you told me you had a surprise for me, what was it sweetheart?" His words startled you. Indeed, how could you forget about it? You smiled, half shyly and half joyfully before sitting up straight, making him smile at you. "I really planned a lot for this, but it seems like you need to hear about it right now more than ever." You took in a deep breath before taking his hands in yours. You stared into his eyes and saw your reflection in them. "Taehyung..." You whispered, as he eagerly waited for you to continue.

"We are soon going to have our little ball of happiness in our lives..." He stopped breathing as those words left your lips. "We are going to be parents, Love... you're going to be a father... I'm... I'm pregnant..."

You said as his gaze fell down on your stomach. He placed his hand on your stomach and caressed it. "Really sweetheart?" He asked as you nodded shyly. "I'm going to be a father... I'M GOING TO BE A DAD OH MY-" "Shh don't shout! You're still not well and you'll wake others up!" You whisper yelled at him after placing your hand on his mouth. He laughed as he grasped your hands and peppered your face with his kisses. You giggled as he hugged you and kissed your forehead. "I can't believe it, oh lord I'm so happy!" You grinned as you broke the hug and ruffled his hair.

"Be ready Kim Taehyung, for you are going to ride with me on an emotional roller coaster for the next 9 months." He laughed in response. He bent down with some difficulty, considering his body was still weak, and kissed your stomach before getting up and pulling you closer by your waist. "Well Kim Y/n, I'm ready to go anywhere with you, only if you promise to stay by my side till the end." You smiled while wrapping your arms around his neck. "I promise, I will."

The sun was rising over the horizon, spreading its light all over the city of Seoul. The flowers started to bloom one by one in the cold morning breeze, painting the land with their own bright colors. They attached their lips together, welcoming a new chapter in their lives. A beautiful chapter. But no matter how many chapters were yet to be lived, one thing is for sure, that they will never leave each other's side, that they will live together, as one, till the very end.

"I love you Taehyung."

"I love you more Y/n."

Afterall, they were made for each other. Their love was arranged for each other.

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