had me from hello ♪

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Taehyung! I'm glad you made it." Jaehyun said as he got up from the bed to hug Taehyung, who gladly returned it, making the others sitting in the room -  excluding Jungkook - gasp in surprise.

"Wait what? From when did you people got so close?" Hoseok said out loud, making Eun-ae chuckle.
"We knew eachother from before, that's a story for another time." Eun-ae replied and turned towards Taehyung.
"Tae, you sit here and talk with your friends okay? I'll send some snacks and juice for you." She said before gesturing Jaehyun to come with her.
"I'm telling you guys, mom loves Taehyung more than me." Jungkook said teasingly.
Taehyung finally took off his mask and walked inside, making his way towards Jungkook.
"Can you blame aunt? Even her son loves me more." Taehyung winked at Jungkook before turning towards Yoongi, who was sitting on the sofa-cum-bed, leaving a blushing Jungkook behind.

"Oh my god! Taehyung, who taught you to flirt like that?" Yoongi dramatically gasped out.
"Yah! He's better than you at flirting, you should learn from him. Look at how red Jungkook's cheeks are." Jimin teased Yoongi with a small eye roll.
"Stop making fun of me!" Jungkook grumbled out, looking away from Taehyung to hide his rosey cheeks.
"No one can dare to tease you when I'm here, can they?" Taehyung teased further, smirking at the saw Jungkook let out a small whine in embarrassment.
"Yah! Shut up!" Jungkook grumbled out once again and stormes towards Hoseok who was watching some YouTube videos in Jungkook's laptop.

"So from when did you started flirting with others huh?" Yoongi asked his brother as they walked down the step of stairs side by side.
Others were already downstairs since the party started a while ago, only Yoongi and Jungkook stayed at his room and were playing video games - but a while ago Jaehyun called his son for some work and the brothers also decided to go downstairs for the cake cutting.

"I don't flirt with everyone." Taehyung shrugged as adjusted the mask, thinking if he should tell Yoongi about his feelings or not.
"You don't....but you're flirting with Jungkook, so what's happening?" Yoongi asked again.
"I...uh I like him." Taehyung said in a hushed tone, but Yoongi still heard him.
"What! Are you for real?" Yoongi was genuinely surprised to know that.
Jungkook is a very good person and perfect for Taehyung, but Yoongi has always seen Taehyung stressing over his grandma and he never really gave himself the time to feel anything for anyone - so this definitely was a schocker.

"I haven't said it to nana yet but I'm sure she figured it out. Don't you dare to tell anyone else though." Taehyung warned his brother.
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone else. So....when are you planning to confess." Yoongi asked seriously - he genuinely wanted his brother to be happy and think for himself once.
"Maybe someday....I don't deserve him but I don't think I can let him go either. I-I haven't been happy for a long time hyung and he genuinely makes me happy in a way I've never been and I just want to be selfish for once." Taehyung really meant these words, he wanted to hold onto Jungkook for forever.
"I finally feel like I can breathe in relief now that you're looking after yourself. Jungkook is really perfect for you, both of your deserve each other and if you want some help in courting him-"
Yoongi was cut off when a hyperactive Jungkook crashed into them.

"Oh you're here! I was searching for you only." Jungkook grinned at Taehyung, who gave him a small smile - hidden under his mask.
"Why? Did you miss me too much?" Taehyung checked when Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes.
"Oh god, you're shamelessly flirting with me! No, I was searching for you because there's strawberry shortcake and I strawberry lemonade too, you will love it so let's go grab it." Jungkook said excitedly as he pointed towards the desert section and then towards the bar where several drinks were lined up.

"You go with him, I'll just go see Jimin." Yoongi left with a small pat on Jungkook's head.
"Where's aunt?" Taehyung asked when he didn't see the couple around - he genuinely adored them, especially Eun-ae.
"Mom and Dad are at the bar, they are actually talking to the bartenders about something." Jungkook shrugged as they both walked towards the bar.

"Oh Tae, you're here. Let's go cut the cake yeah? I don't want you to be uncomfortable in here." Eun-ae was about to guide Taehyung out when a sudden voice interrupted them, making Taehyung freeze on spot.

"I'm hurt Jae! You didn't invite your dear friend to your wedding anniversary, that's very hurtful for me and my wife." The deep voice spoke out with a chuckle.

Eun-ae and Jaehyun looked at each other with horror in their eyes, while Jungkook looked at the man with confused eyes.

As soon as the voice reached Taehyung's ears he felt his world stop, he looked at the man in front with terrified eyes, his breathing getting heavier by each passing seconds and he could feel himself shaking slightly. The memories came crushing down on him, all horrible memories of past flashed in front of his eyes.
Eun-ae noticed that Taehyung's hand was trembling and looked at him empathetically, before whispering something in Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook quickly took Taehyung's shaking hand in his own and guided him out hurriedly, making sure the other doesn't stumble.

"Hansoo, what are you doing here?" Jaehyun finally acknowledged the man standing in front of him.
"Ouch, I'm hurt. Is that a way to greet your friend?" Kim Hansoo laughed lightly.
"I thought you were out of country..." Jaehyun said, sounding unsure and he was really trying to control his anger.
"My son is here and it's my ex-wife's best friends' anniversary, how can I miss this?" Hansoo said with a creepy smile.
Eun-ae didn't fail to notice how Hansoo's present wife tightened her hold around the bouquet of flower at the mention of Kim Yeri, Hansoo's ex-wife.

Do y'all remember who Kim Hansoo is??
Let me know your views on this chapter.

I forgot to add the painting lol

Imagine Jaehyun hugging Eun-ae okay?

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Imagine Jaehyun hugging Eun-ae okay?

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