Chapter 11: The Return of the Rightful King

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El arrived at the massive fortress outside Elder Tree, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity coursing through him. As he stepped off the carriage, he was met with the imposing presence of Tikbalang guards, one of whom held an arrow ready to shoot.

"Show your hands!" the Tikbalang barked.

El, trying to remain calm, raised his hands in surrender. "Don't shoot! I mean no harm," he replied. "I'm Elysian, and I need to speak with King Thorian."

The Tikbalang lowered his weapon, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Elysian, you say?" he mumbled. "Hold on."

A brief moment passed, and it was clear the Tikbalang was communicating with someone within the fortress. Soon, a decision was made. "The King has returned!" the Tikbalang announced to his comrades, and the tension in the air seemed to dissipate.

El was ushered through the fortress gates, where guards paid him respects, bowing their heads as he passed. He was led to the heart of the fortress, where King Thorian, now donned in his royal guard's armor, stood waiting.

"El, my dear boy!" Thorian exclaimed with a mixture of relief and joy. He rushed forward, embracing El as if he were a son. "I apologize for hiding the truth from you for so long. Please have me at your mercy. I will tell you everything in the King's quarters."

Still bewildered by the unfolding events, El followed Thorian to the grand chamber reserved for the king. As they entered, Thorian turned to him with a sincere expression. "I am sorry, dear cousin," Thorian began, his voice filled with regret. "I only hid the truth from you to protect you. Bakunawa was defeated, but your father asked me to keep you hidden from the world to shield you from Bakunawa's presence."

Tears welled up in El's eyes as he gazed upon Lyria's face. He had spent his entire life believing that she and Sirius were his loving parents, and the revelation was almost too much to bear. "I never knew," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Lyria stepped forward, her eyes filled with warmth and love. "Know that I always loved you like a son, Elysian," she assured, her voice steady and comforting. "So did Sirius," she added with a reassuring smile.

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, El couldn't help but embrace Lyria tightly. It was a long-awaited reunion, one that mended the broken pieces of his heart. As they held each other, the years of separation seemed to melt away.

Once the emotions had settled, El turned to King Thorian, his newfound cousin and the rightful king of Biringan. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with the throne, but he also had a deep respect for the current ruler.

"Your highness," El began with determination, "I still have no plans of taking the throne from you. If you are willing, will you train me? I want to serve you as your personal scout and protector. I promise that I will ascend to the throne when I am prepared." El's request was filled with sincerity and humility.

King Thorian, a wise and kind ruler, nodded in agreement. "As you wish, my son," he replied with a warm smile.

El personally approached King Thorian with a request to dispatch scouts and rescuers to the cave where the stranded students were taking refuge. He believed that while Tala had trained capable students, the current situation warranted their evacuation to the fortress, where they could be safely reunited with their families. El also emphasized the need to take action against the commander of Bakunawa, a formidable wizard named Serpentine.

King Thorian listened attentively to El's proposal and agreed with his assessment. Scouts were immediately dispatched, along with a team of liberators headed for the Elder Tree. The kingdom was indeed fighting on two fronts, but the urgency of the situation demanded such actions.

The Biringan ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora