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'Hey, I'm here. Want something to drink or eat? My treat.'

I stared at her message deciphering whether 'I'm here' means that she is in line and will only take a minute to order or just around the corner and hasn't entered the cafe yet. People tend to have a different meaning to that.

'The usual drink.' I replied.


I got off the bus but sat on a bench for a good 10 minutes. I supposed, she'd be seated by then and I wouldn't need to look for vacant seats and contemplate whether I got a good spot or not. Is it that obvious that I dread going to public places? It takes a lot of my brain cells just to go out. Why do we have to meet up?

I managed to convince myself that it's now ok to go.

"Hey." A whisper-shout called for me, her hand raised waving at me. Good. She sat near the door beside a window.

"Nice to see you again." She greeted as I sat in front of her. "Here. Iced Jade Citrus Mint Tea, right?" She slid the plastic cup to me.

"Yes, thank you."

"So, how are you? How's life? Oh, the director asks if you can visit some time. You know, to finally meet."

"I met him before." I took a sip on my tea. Citrusy.

"You met him once. Once."

Isn't that the point? I already met him, why do I need to see him again?

She sighed. "You know for the smartest person I know, you're pretty clueless."

"Uhm... Thanks?"

She laughed. "Yeah, I'm right."

I know what she's trying to do, but I really can't.

"You sure don't wanna renew the contract?"

"No. I really thought about it." I'm sorry. I wanted to say the last part but it's useless.

"And I won't change your mind, will I?"

I shook my head no.

She then, sighed. "If that's your decision." She pulled some papers. "Just need you to sign some docs as our... goodbye."

I skimmed over the file and proceeded to sign, being conscious at her gaze. She was... is a friend. But I need to tie loose ends.

"Here's your copy and I'll take the rest." She heave yet another sigh. "Sorry, it's just... I really like your works and people also do. Boss said that a foundation is looking into your works and may need a meet and greet with you. I know you hate stuff like that but still..."

Why does it seem that although all of this is such a drag, I think I should do something for her?

"What foundation?"

Her eyes are sparkling at my seeming curiosity. "I don't exactly know the details yet but it is a children's foundation. And given the situation, I think they'd want a book reading with  you."

Never have I ever done a book reading. My voice is not really for public speaking.

"I heard that the foundation really like your books and it would be great if... you know..."

Now it's my turn to sigh. "I cannot guarantee anything but... if you can give me more details, I can look into it."

"Yes!" She suddenly reached for my hand. "Thank you! Really!"

"But.. It's not a guarantee, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I have to talk to the director and everyone and..."

"Uhm.. Cana?"

"Oh... sorry, just getting excited."

She properly sat back. "Before I completely forgot, I brought it." She handed a small paper bag. "I got you 2 copies as agreed."

I peeked at it. 2 books, right.

"Aren't you gonna open them?"

"I'll check it later. Thank you."

"Oh. You're most welcome."

"If that's all, I better go."

"Right. I need to hurry back too."

My sight averted outside, the street is pretty busy.

"You know, I've been thinking..." it was Cana, "that book, although, it is really great..."

Huh? I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking past the cafe.

"...but it feels like it's missing something."

I turned to her.

"Nevermind, I'm just being dramatic. I have to go now." She peeked at her phone. "It's really great to see you again. I promise I'll give you the dets! Bye!"

She hurried outside, answering a call while on it.

Being dramatic? Right. We just want the drama. I tidied up my things and brought the plastic cup with me outside, I haven't finished my drink. I put on my cap since I did not bring an umbrella and it's afternoon which means sun.

I don't usually walk.. scratch that. I used to like walking but now I try to lessen it. And now, for all the places my small walks brought me, it's this place. This park. That night flashed in my mind. I was walking aimlessly and then... How did I deserve to even meet someone? I sat on a step of a small ampitheater under the shade. I don't wanna walk anymore.

I sip on my drink trying to think of some useful though other than wanting to just be the ending of the little mermaid. No doubt the ending was changed to properly suit younger audience but I don't know why would anyone like me to read my books to children. Maybe because they have illustrations? I forgot what they did this time. I took one of the books. Huh, cute.

The Violin. by Autumn.

Yes, I am that Autumn. I like the maple leaves, and the color of fall. And I like the idea that Au is the Atomic Symbol of Gold for golden child, of course. How they regard me before.

And this book is a result of my recent obsession to classical music. The Violin. A story of a proud violin making the greatest music of all but over the years it became worn out and slowly it's beautiful sound has become only a history. It reminisce its performance with the violinist, and how they travelled just to play the most purest of sound. But all must come to an end, as the sound fades only the memory remains.

"Hey, what are you reading?" That voice.

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