Oranges And Apples

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Hayden's POV

The cool night air greeted me once I stepped outside onto the porch, closing the door behind me.

Popping in my earbuds, I slipped my iPod in its armband, and as the music began to play I tilted up my head towards the night sky to inhale sharply. The air smelt good, pure.

I tugged my hoodie over my head, and began my usual jog.

Actually, I was supposed to be at it awhile ago, but Mom had taken some time to express her concerns about me heading out late at night. I'd say Dad intervened about just the right time, even though I did consider not heading out.

Well, I am out now, and probably won't be for long for my mother's sake. A string of bad events happened earlier in this month, around where I stay so I can understand my mom's behaviour.

Soon, when the fifth song had come up I stopped to gulp in some air. My legs felt heavy so I pulled up my knees to my middle and stretched.

Something then caught my attention; and removing one of the earpuds I turned my head to the couple a few feet away from me, on another corner of the street. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of how the guy was handling the girl, and might I say definitely not gentleman-like.

Of course it was not my business, but I just couldn't help myself.

"Excuse me, but that's in no way to treat a lady"

Damn, I sounded like those heroes with a cape and their underpants worn outside their costume. How lame.

The guy whipped around, allowing me a glimpse of the terrified girl from underneath my hoody. She was a chubby girl, stubby with long straight hair.

Hmm, something was definitely not right here; and my eyes narrowed down on the guy who was now looking at me as if to ask from where the heck I popped up.

"Hey, man... I'm... j-just tryna deal..." the guy tried saying, every word that tumbled from his mouth dripping with the stench of alcohol, causing my nose to scrunch up at the smell. "With m-my drunk girlfriend here so why don't you move along, hmmm"

My eyes moved between him and the trembling girl with a tear stained face, and I scoffed. "Your drunk girlfriend, you say?" The girl's eyes were practically pleading with me to get her away from this dude. Plus, I was pretty sure this guy was the more drunk one here. He could barely even speak.

"Yeah... so you can... m-move along n-now"

I quickly stepped back when the guy gagged, and my face couldn't help but turn up in revulsion. Just how many drinks did this guy have?

"L-Let go of me, p-please" the girl, looking no older than me, tried to wrench her wrist out of the drunkie's tight grasp on her. Her voice was pained, letting me know that he was hurting her--- probably without even realising.

"Hey, man, would you let up on the girl" I said.

"She's my girlfriend!" His speech was slurred, barely comprehensible, and yet he still tried to shove me when he couldn't even stand right on his own feet.

And girlfriend or not, he should let go of her.

My own hand latched onto the wrist that kept the girl hostage. "She told you to let go though" My tone was calm, but the way my grip slightly tightened made him see that I was serious because he let go.

However, that did not seem to be the case as the idiot's fist flew up.

Considering his depressing wasted state, I was able to easily dodge his punch by simply moving aside. Annoyed now, I ended up throwing a punch of my own which landed square in the drunkard's nose.

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