"Louis, these... They're beautiful." I looked at the highest part of the heel, it was no more than two inches high. I turned my head to look at him, a smile now clearly visible. Louis leaned in and placed a small kiss on my cheek. He was not the asshole I thought he was a few months ago. I quickly put the shoes on before standing up, wobbling slightly as I did.

I started walking out into the main section of the bus slowly, listening to Louis chuckle behind me while the bus travelled to the next place. As I stood in the main area of the bus with a smile on my face I felt Louis's hand run up under my shirt and rest just above the top of my shorts. By the time I was able to get his arm out from under my shirt, Niall had noticed me.

"Guys, look what I walked over here in." I stood where they could all see me as I pointed to the shoes on my feet. They all cheered as I let out a small yawn.

"Maybe you should go sleep, you look really tired." I nodded at Harry who sounded as tired as I felt. I took the shoes off and made my way to my bunk, placing them at the bottom before climbing in and dozing off.

I woke up to someone climbing into my bunk behind me. They pressed their body against mine and wrapped their arms around me before pressing a few soft, light kisses along my jaw. I rolled over to see that it was Louis.

"What time is it? How long have I been asleep?" I mumbled as I buried my face so it wasn't visible as he drew small circles up my back.

"It's four thirty, you've been asleep for almost 6 hours love. We may or may not already be at the next hotel." I felt him place a kiss on my temple as I cuddled up closer. I honestly didn't want to move from my bunk up to the hotel room. I was starting to get sick of the back and forth between the bus and whatever hotel we were staying at.

"Not moving, too comfy now," I mumbled into Louis's chest, feeling it vibrate as he chuckled. I giggled slightly as his hand ran down and rested on the lower part of my back. I think I was starting to fall for him and fall hard.

"Oh, we also have an awards thing we have to go to not long after we get back to the UK. I thought it would be good to see you in heels for it." I pulled back so I was able to look him in the eyes, I raised an eyebrow as curiosity grabbed me.

"Well if I remember correctly the first time I wore heels around you five there was one person in particular who was a major ass to me." I folded my arms across my chest before Louis started smothering my face with kisses. I couldn't help but giggle before we heard Harry call out.

"You two, c'mon. We're here, if we leave you two alone on here there's going to be clothes laying outside the bunk, up and down the hall." I groaned at the amusement in Harry's voice, not wanting to get out from the bunk again, not much longer and I knew we'd be home where I could sleep in my own most comfortable bed. I felt Louis climb out before I found myself being pulled out.

"Grab your shoes Em, I have something planned." I grabbed the shoes and tried grabbing my bag before Louis picked me up, and put me over his shoulder. This was going to get us weird looks as we went up to the hotel room, I was sure of it. We waited at the elevator with Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn, all trying to probably ignore the fact that something was going on between Louis and I now. When we got off everyone headed to the left while we went right.

"See you guys at sound check tomorrow yeah?" I called out while waving to them. I saw Niall quickly turn around and wave before he yelled out.

"DON'T FORGET, USE PROTECTION." I heard Louis groan at Niall's comment as he probably mentally face-palmed himself, I couldn't help but laugh at it before I smiled and yelled back.

"I HOPE YOU PRACTICED WHAT YOU PREACH WITH CLAIRE LAST NIGHT." I stuck my tongue out at him as I noticed him blush before I felt a hand come down on my backside, causing me to gasp slightly and let out a squeak.

"Be quiet." I folded my arms the best I could before I started laughing. Louis placed me down so he could open the door to our room, walking in I was relieved to see that there were two beds, I knew what would probably be happening if there had only been one. As I went to go and jump onto the first bed I felt myself being pulled back by Louis into a hug.

"No time to rest, put your heels on." I glared at him and pouted before sitting down and putting them on and standing back up. I walked over to him slowly, but with ease. I'd have to learn to walk faster in these by the time I'd have to wear heels. Louis took one of my hands before slowly twirling me.

"You're getting the hang of walking in them pretty quickly, maybe you should walk to the other end of the room and back." I nodded at him as I bit my bottom lip before turning around and walking away then walking back. I did that a few more times until we decided to call it quits for the day, which allowed Louis to head off for a shower. I pulled out my phone to see I had a few texts from Claire.

"My flight landed, I have something to tell you." I looked over to the bathroom door before quickly typing a response to Claire.

"I'm happy you arrived safely, what is it that you have to tell me?" I quickly sent the text off and waited for a response from Claire as I listened to the water in the shower. I was broken from my thoughts as my phone vibrated in my hand and read the new text.

"Well, while I was with Niall last night he told me.. well more like let slip I guess you could say, but he said that Louis wants to ask.." I quickly exited the message, not being able to read the whole thing fast enough as I heard the door handle turn and quickly went to the Twitter app and scrolled through the feed to see what was being said, it all involved how Niall was spotted kissing a dark mousy brown haired girl. I started laughing, having forgotten that I was supposed to be 'dating' Niall. I was probably going to get into trouble about that from Adele.

I watched as Louis came out of the bathroom wearing just a pair of shorts, making his 'It is what it is' and '78' tattoos visible. I bit my lip as he walked over to the other bed. No wonder so many girls go crazy over him, he could wear practically nothing and still be attractive. I decided it wouldn't kill me to try and catch up on more sleep, it would probably be the only chance to get a decent sleep for a while.

After laying there for about an hour I felt someone lay down in front of me, knowing that no one had entered or left the room I knew it was Louis.

"Hey, are you awake at all?" I kept my eyes shut pretending to be asleep in hopes that he'd go back over to his bed, part of me was scared about what he wanted to ask and I kind of wished I had read a bit more of Claire's message. I heard Louis let out a sigh as he gently placed his hand on my hip.

"So I know you're asleep because you didn't answer me, but I just wanted to let you know that I like you Em. It's just a little thing either, I truly do like you. I have since I first saw you, and then when you were at the practice the next day, I just wanted to kiss you the moment you sat next to me. I just... I just wish I knew if you liked me the same way." I laid there silently before I felt Louis move closer to me and wrap me in a hug. I bit my lip before opening my eyes.

"I... I like you too Louis." I looked him in theeyes as I bit my lip harder before leaning in and kissing him on the lips.

She's Not Afraid (One Direction) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now