Chapter Two

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I woke up to my alarm going off loudly. I turned it off as I sat up in bed, wiping drool that had somehow managed to make its way across my cheek before getting up to shower. As I got out of the nice warm shower I had a look and saw it was 9:30, plenty of time to do make-up and find this place. I stood in front of the mirror in my underwear applying a simple line of eyeliner, mascara, light pink blush and a small amount of clear lip gloss.

As I walked out I tripped over my own feet, almost landing on my face. Sighing, I picked myself up before finally getting over to my clothes. I put my jeans on and carefully pulled my shirt over my head so as not to smudge my make-up. Picking up my shoes I ran down the hall and put them on in the lounge room before picking up my bag and running to the elevator to get to my car.

I turned on the car and put the address that was on the paper that Liam had handed me yesterday after my audition into my GPS and took off to the address that was given, the location wasn't too far but wasn't too close to where I lived. I turned into the street with 10 minutes to spare and pulled up in front of the place and looked at it. I couldn't back out now, not with being so close. I took a slow, shaky breath before slowly climbing out of my car, grabbing my bag and putting it over my shoulder before locking my car and walking to the gate. I pressed a button next to the gate and then heard someone talk.

"Just come in, one of us will be at the door waiting." The gate unlocked, allowing me to walk in and along the path to the front door, as it opened and I saw Niall standing at the door, smiling. I walked up the few steps at the front before slowly walking in. Niall led me into the room where the rest of the guys were. As I entered, a woman walked into the room before turning around and looking at me.

"Piercings have to go." She motioned to my lip piercing and my belly button piercing before turning back around and facing the group. I let my bag down with a thud, I crossed my arms looking her up and down. I looked over at Liam, a stern look on his face as he shook his head no. I let out a small sigh and sat down next to Louis, he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Welcome to boot camp, you'll regret auditioning by the end of the day." Louis gave me a small smirk before listening to the woman standing in front of us. I groaned to myself, it hasn't even been 24 hours and I'm already starting to butt heads with management and I haven't even technically joined yet. The woman walked off before walking back in with a pair of black skinnies, red heels and what looked like a black bustier top that had straps crossed over at the back and a zip at the front. I heard all the guys groan.

"Adele, can we please just get on with our practice? We don't even know if she's going to sound well with us." I saw Louis look at the woman who now looked unimpressed before walking off and leaving the items of clothing. They all stood up as Zayn went to go get the paper with all the practice songs on it. I looked at the list and read the four main songs they wanted to go over which were Girl Almighty, More Than This, Right Now and Over Again. The guys all grabbed their microphones and I suddenly felt out of place without one. I watched as Harry came up to me with a smile.

"We have a spare microphone for you, we put pink tape on it for you since we didn't know what colour you'd like. You can stand next to me if you want." I hugged him before walking over and standing with him. We started with Right Now, I was surprised at how well my vocals blended with theirs as well as being able to complement Zayn's vocal's when he would hit the high notes. As we finished I heard Niall start talking.

"I think we found the right one." They all walked up to me and we had a group hug, I looked at Louis who didn't look too happy. I quickly diverted my eyes and looked at the rest of the guys. Liam decided to take a picture of everyone as a group. We all pulled away after the photo as we saw Adele come in and clear her throat, we all looked at her as she held the clothes from earlier up. I went up and took the clothes from her before thumping off to find somewhere to change.

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