Chapter 3: Dellusions

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I walked down the hallway careful of any zombies that might be in here. I could still hear the faint sound of the zombies trying to get through the door. As I got farther and farther into the hallway it got quieter and quiter. Then out of no where I heard that terrible moan they let out and was grabbed from behind. Holding its head away from me as it snapped its teeth trying to bite me. I struggled to get free but these things have super human strength. "Damn it.....get!!" I yelled putting the pistol against its head and shot. Its black oozy blood splattered on my cloths and on the wall beside me. Its body went limp and slumped over my shoulder. I pushed it off and looked at it, it had the cloths of a scientist. I went through its pockets to find an ID card that might help me get through some locked doors. Unfortunatly I didn't find any evidence of wether or not he was involved in the research on me.

I sighed and put the card in my pocket. I need to find some place to wash this blood off my cloths. I decided to look for a bathroom somewhere in this hall. I walked around searching every room I came across. After a while I finally found a bathroom, I opened the door and something came out at me. Yet again I was being attacked by a zombie. I held its arms and kept its face away from mine. It kept getting closer and I noticed three more behind it. I had to get this one off me before I was ambushed. see ing no more options, since I had dropped my pistol, I head-butted the zombie. Its head went back and using that oppertunity I pushed it away. It stumbled back and fell down.

Picking up my pistol quickly I shot the second one that was about to lunge at me in the head. I sot at the other one, but my pistol was empty, I needed to reload it. As fast as I could I reloaded the gun. Looking back up it was already lunging at me. Barral rolling to the right I dodged it and it hit the wall behind me. Hearing the moan I looked back into the bathroom to see the first one getting up. I quckly shot that one dead and looked back at the third one. It was coming at me again, I dodged by stepping to the left. Spinning I hit the zombie in the gut with my left heel. As it slouched over I put the pistol against its head and shot. The blood splattered on the floor and wall as I walked into the bathroom.

walking to a sink while taking off my jacket I looked into the mirror. This was the first time I looked at myself. I had Blue-gray eyes and short and ruffled strawberry-blond hair. I stared at myself for a while when all of a sudden the walls went black and my reflection walked out of the mirror. I stepped back shocked at whats happening. My reflection had this evil grin on his face and started walking towards me. He got close and then grabbed my throat with his left hand. He had an extremely strong grip and it was choking me. Then he moved his right hand behind him as I gasped for air and tried to pry his hand off my neck. He then pulled out his knife and stared into my eyes. What the hell is going on!? My own reflection is trying to kill me!

Quickly I kicked him in the face with my right foot. He released his grip and staggered back. I fell back on the ground coughing and gasping for air. Looking back at him he slowly walked towards me. He held the knife under hand as he got close to where I sat. He grinned and stabbed at me with speed and strenght. I quickly rolled to the side and stood up, unsheathing my knife I got ready for him to attack again. Then noticing behind him was the woman in my dream and the guy who shot me.

Their cloths were bloody and they walked like zombies. I stood ready to kill all of them, they meant nothing to me. My reflection lunged at me and I blocked his blade with mine. We were stuck in a lock with our blades as I noticed the two others getting closer. I drew my pistol and shot the man in the head. He went down while I then aimed for the woman, but my reflection pulled out his pistol and shot mine out of my hand. My pistol slid across the floor and I gave him a head-butt. Jumping for my pistol I grabbed it and shot the woman's leg. She fell on one knee but started to get up, so I then shot her in the head.

Then my reflection walked up and grabbed my throat again. Quickly I stabbed his arm and his blood splattered on my face. He let go and yelled in pain. I then kicked the gun out of his hand and puched him in the face. He fell against the wall as I pulled my knife out of his arm. I lunged at him when he rolled to the side. I stabbed into the wall where his neck used to be. He reacted quickly and punched at me. I blocked it, grabbed his arm, and then uppercutted his elbow breaking his arm.

He yelled in pan again and dropped to his knees holding his arm. I placed my pistol against his forehead as he looked up at me. This time I was doing the grinning. He stared into my eyes as I pulled the trigger and killed him. After that The walls went back to normal color and I was in the bathroom again. My head started to hurt and I leaned up against the wall. I looked around the room to see two extra zombie bodies on the floor from before all that happened. Then looking down beside me I saw the body of a soldier with a broken arm. I was hallucinating the whole time? Damn, if I'm not careful I might get killed if that happens again.

I washed my face and jacket in the sink the best I could. The blood on my face came out all the way, bu the black blood on my jacket didn't come out too much. The jacket was black anyway, so it didn't matter too much to me. I put my jacket back on and walked out of the bathroom. Looking down both ways of the hall way I tried to remember which way I was going. After figuring it out I continued on my way. There was no one down this hallway, it was completely silent. I was about to walk up to and pass a closed door when I noticed a body leaning up against the wall limply.

I stayed back and checked the area, there were no sighns of gunfire or a fight anywhere. Looking around at the floor around me and picked up a clipboard that was lying there. I threw it at the body, for a second it didn't move but after that it started to stand up. Shooting it, it fell back down on the floor. Suddenly there was a banging coming from the inside of the door beside me. "H-Hello? Is someone out there? Hello?" the voice yelled while banging.

I walked closer to the door "Yeah." I yelled in reply.

The banging stopped "Oh thank god. The door went on lock down while I was inside but my card isn't working. Could you open it for me?" he said with relief in his voice.

He has an ID card, he might work here. Maybe I can get some answers about who I am from him. "Alright, hold on." I answerd. Good thing I got that ID card from that zombie. I swipped the card in the reader and the door swooshed open. The person who stood before me was a black man wearing a security gaurds outfit.

"Thank god. I thought I was gonna die in there." He paused and looked me over "Wait, you don't look like you work here. And whats with the guns?" he asked. So I walked in and sat down and told him everything that happened to me up to this point. "Damn dude. Thats fucked up." he said once I was finished. "Sorry I can't help you. Its only my first day here." he paused "By the way I'm Joe Sanders. You said you were Cole, right?" he said holding out his hand.

I nodded and shook his hand and smiled a bit. This guy is the first person who hasn't tried to kill me, i felt like I could trust him.

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