★ Quiet

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Anonymous asked:
Blurb request. Can be matty and este, doesnt have to be. How about they go on holiday, somewhere they won't get recognised. Get to walk through markets and just be a normal couple. Watch the sunset from a beach together. Romantic sort of stuff?

Matty had already posed for a few photos with fans at the airport after going through security. It was normal, especially at one as huge as Heathrow, but a part of Este was secretly hoping that this time it would magically be different. They'd never been on holiday together before, just the two of them, so it felt a bit odd not being surrounded by security or travelling as a big group.

But it may have been that fact that made her so wary of being seen.

She never minded when people stopped to have a chat and picture with Matty—they were always so lovely and sometimes even wanted Este to pose with them. And she'd had her fair share of being out and about without having much privacy. They were just so excited to get away for once, this trip being their first chance to do so, and she wanted it to go perfectly.

To both of their surprise, it pretty much did.

It was an almost eleven hour long flight to the Maldives. They arrived in the sweat-inducing warm air, and the hotel Matty had booked was quick to settle into. So, Este dragged him out to the beach almost immediately. She broke open her suitcase to grab the first bikini she could find, and helped him sort through his mess of a packing job to find his swim shorts.

"Don't you dare," Este warned after feeling Matty tugging on the strings of her swimsuit bottoms.
He was in the middle of spreading sunscreen over her skin and threw his head back laughing at the fact that she caught him. They had been sitting out for a few hours and it was time to reapply.

"You've just tied them so loosely that I wanted to make sure they're really secure," Matty made up.

"Shut up." She giggled. He continued his sunscreen reapplication.

"I feel like I shouldn't even bother with this. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the action of doing it," clarified Matty, while she rolled her eyes at his suggestive comment, "But you don't even burn. There's no need for all this sunscreen.

Este dog-eared the corner of the page she was reading, to keep her place before closing it. She set it down and looked over her shoulder to Matty.

His bottom squeezed onto the edge of her lounging chair, next to her thighs, while she laid on her stomach. The cream on her back was surely rubbed in by now, as Este felt him touching all the same places, but he persisted anyway. She adored the way his rough and strong hands somehow graced her with such a gentle touch. It was sweet, so she didn't stop him.

"You know the sun does more damage to your skin than just burning it, right?" She pointed out, "Plus, I'm sure neither of us want me to shrivel up in wrinkles like a raisin in like ten years. I need all the protection I can get,"

Matty chuckled. "Couldn't care less about you wrinkling, darling," he said, running his fingers over the curve of your back one last time before finally twisting the lotion's cap shut. "I think I'm just in love with how tan you get in the summer. 'M just selfish."

"I still get a tan even if I put on sunscreen, love." Este reassured him. An amused smile sat on her face.

He started tracing his fingertips between her shoulder blades, tickling at the back of her neck. Matty wanted to study everything he saw, like the small moles littered over her skin, and the places it dimpled.

"I just do really love it, your skin," he blabbered on, vocalising his obsessions, "I love the way it looks when you wear light green. In late August it sort of reminds me of the colour of a Biscoff biscuit—which I love. And the way that when you lay in our white sheets, the warmth of it makes me feel like our bed will never be cold or lonely. It's just such a pillar in how beautiful you are,"

Then Because She Goes - Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now