Sunday Vinday!

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"Yeah Buddy!"

"Party here!"

"The situation is under construction"

"This might have not been the best idea."

"We're so classy now."

"I can still bring it."

"On the seven day, it will be lit."

"Get the freak out of here your crazy."


I was a crying mess calling my mom

Baby are you okay

"I lost the kids birthstone ring."

Baby breath

"No! I don't want them mad at me." I sob

Baby no they won't

"My kids are gonna hate me." I cry

"Look look." They showed me the ring i gasp

"Mom they found it."

Okay baby.

"Oh." I held it putting it back on my finger then hugged Ron

"Thank you." I wiped my tears away

"Hey if i did something to lose it."

"No it's okay." I told Vin i go put my ring away next to my children pictures the one we're i am with them making goofy faces and fall asleep. Waking up i was a bit iffy about my kids i decide to Skype them

"Hi babies."



Hi mom

"How are you three?"

We miss you!

When you coming home!

We want you here!

"Soon babies soon."

We made you a cake

We made you cards

"And i can't wait when i get home." I blew them a kiss goodbye and hanged up smiling knowing they are safe. We go rock climbing and believe me this bitch does climb walls which i was up against Jenni


"Girl you better be fast." Then we start i jump and climb up like a fucking spider monkey hitting the top

"Wow! Yeah!"

"Damn bella." I laughed unfortunately Nicole lost and had to clean Ron bull ugh! It was vial thank god i did not go near it. Chilling outside looking at the stars i tear up cause it reminds me being with my triplets watching the stars. In the morning waking up i got ready

"Hey Bell." I just look the other way with Pauly it's just not a good moment inside the cab i was gonna sit there but

"Uh you know what I'm taking the other cab." I said honestly going with Jen and Mike at calenders drink having fun dancing with the girls but Ron is still talking about Sam it like ugh partying Pauly tries to dance with me but i step away but he doesn't get it so i moved away from him

"Stop." I told him strenly which he looked at me shocked

"Stop." I go dance by myself. Back home laying down on the couch i sighed softly smiling thinking of my kids and Dean

"Oh yeah!" He picked me up which i panicked

"Pauly stop!" I said annoyed

"Why!" He laughed twirling me around

"Pauly I'm serious! Let go off me!" I pulled away from him harshly making sure i stand still

"Damnit Pauly no!" I said annoyed

"Can I talk to you?"

"What?" I asked him

"No like why are you being that way."

"What way." I asked

"No just listen."

"Listen to what?" I was starting to get irritated

"Established the boundaries." Jen said

"About what? Stop talking about it." I said annoyed

"No like seriously just talk with him about the boundaries."

"He wants to know the boundaries!"


"Ugh." I go up to my room. Jen comes behind me

"Leave me alone." I said irritated

"Just go talk about it."

"Jen I'm serious! Leave me alone!"

"Just go talk about it." She said again

"Ugh whatever go be at his side idiot." I said sneering at her

"Don't call me an idiot."

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed

"Just go talk to him." She screamed back

"Your being the worst friend ever!" I screamed back at her when she leaves i go over and listen to her

"Oh my god stop being dramatic! You idiot!" She came back and we screamed it when leaves.

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