Fist Pump, Push Up, Chapstick

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I went to lunch with the girls Jen was taking my clothes cause she was being a great friend while eating we spoke about Mike and how's his milking his injury i mean if it was like me with my head yeah I'd feel some kind of pity walking home let's just say walking by the church a priest told Ni to cover up which was funny. At home i decide to call dean

"Hi baby."

Hey love i miss you

"Me too! i can't wait for you to visit."

Yeah when i have you bend over the bed

"Dean!" I blushed majorly red

🥰 Dean is very dirty talkative and let's just say i got the right guy gentleman in the streets but major freak in the sheets

Hey even with a hurt head i still pound you

"I swear I'm gonna have to use the shower head later."

A couple more weeks and that shower head is gonna be me

"Oh my god i love you." I hanged up and go in the shower handle myself and walking out i see Pauly and i started laughing and when Vinny join i swear i was gonna pee myself from laughing so hard i fall onto Jen bed laughing so hard

"You look like every guy i ever dated. I swear to God." I changed into comfort clothes and sat with my bear on my chest in the living room and heard Ron and Sam

"You know what i should have taken a page from Mike book and hit my head against the fucking wall just not to hear this." I said honestly these two are never gonna fucking change Pauly and Vinny nod in agreement and I'm being honest

"Like Vinny said in the past hell has to be just like this."

"Exactly." I go put my small bear in my room then go out and speak with them


"Hey bell." I sit down

"Look I'm gonna be honest and i gonna start crying cause seeing you two bicker an i don't want you guys to think oh being picky and all that but come on guys cause of you two i got wrist hurt Mike went to the hospital and the roommates are silently in disparé cause of you two and i love you guys but please just speak like two normal adults instead of going of ww3 please."

"Thanks Bell." I hugged them then go back inside and lay in my bed finally just speaking my truth. The next night i was getting ready lucky my head was beginning to feel a lot better. At twenty one in the start it was fun the place was packed but then all the girls were being bitching i was with Jen Ni D and Sam but when someone threw a drink on my head that's when i go for the attack i don't give a fuck if my head was healing I'm going to fuck someone up while security had to hold me back

"Get off me." I felt someone tugging on my hair while i held on some else hair

"Let go."

"Get off!" Till i heard

"It's Denna and Nicole!" I let go and i was stunned we they pulled us away

"You fought each other idiots." I hugged them as we we're embarrassed. At home i iced my head lightly.

"You okay?"

"I'm okay just a bit hurt after i fought denna and Nicole but I'm okay." I go bopping around

"Your jumpy."

"I want dean!"

"Your penguin." I nod i felt bad for Ni cause ever since coming here jionni been nothin but mean to her but his been so nice to Nicole but i hate seeing her upset. In the morning i went for a jog around Firenze then when i came home i decide to call Dean


Hey doll face

"How are you?"

Pleasure is not good on myself when your no here with me

"Shut up I'm being serious."

I am serious

"So how's home?"

Your parents are okay, your brothers and i went out to a guy night but i missed you by side

"Hey i was thinking?"

Thinking about what

"I want to get a tattoo with our initials together."

That sound awesome

"When you come we should get them together."

I'm down

"Yeah!" I smiled.

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