The Follow Game

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Coming back from the beach with dean i was so happy changing Jen comes in

"Cute extension."

"Thanks how was your day?"

"Joyful, dean and i had an amazing time." Getting ready for to go out tonight i see Jen was upset so i hugged her so she knows i have her back before i left i called Dean to meet me at Aztec when i get there i start dancing but i noticed Jen was in a funk so when dean came we leave with her so she wouldn't go home alone i changed into more comfortable clothes so does he too

"So if we have kids what should we have first?"

"I don't care." He brings me closer

"As long as we have them together." I smiled sweetly at him

"I want so many babies."

"Really?" I nod

"Then let's get to work." We get under the covers an get to work. In the morning waking up to dean in my arms i smiled brightly getting up

"Love you." We kissed

"Behave." I nod and he leaves changing i felt sorry for Jen cause she wants to be with Roger but his not doing his part. I had to work with Snooki Denna and Pauly while hanging up clothes the meatballs were dizing around till they took off i shook my head

"Bella are the girls with you?"

"No." I knew Danny is gonna be mad. Then i noticed this girl who only got came in last week in a Pauly hat i was stunned this is a new stalker for Pauly and the meatballs left again so we head out coming back home and Pauly spoke about the stalker i pat his head the boys go out along with me an Jen to find the girls so when we do we part and they hugged us

"We weren't getting stuck with Mike." I nod in agreement getting back home i go to my room and change so called Dean


Hello boo

"So I'm staying home and i was wondering if you wanted to come and be with me."

Sure doll.

"Eh! Yeah." I hanged up cleaned my room even the boys spaces when i heard the door knock so i go open it

"Baby!" I kiss him

"I got you something." We part he showed me a rose bracelet i gasp

"Baby!" I hugged him happily so we go to my room laying down on my bed holding hands

"I was thinking about how would our child would like?"

"Believe me they have the hotness and beauty of us." I smiled sweetly. In the afternoon Dean leaves and me and the roommates eat dinner together and we find out Denna sister and Mike brother are dating an vin hits a spike which angered Denna a bit an the comment mike made was a bit on the torn but it was really funny

"Bella who gave your the bracelet?"



"Thank you." Upstairs with the fam Mike comes up and said he spoke with Denna sister hmm. In early morning i go with the boys to the gym and we see Roger who wasn't happy about the whole thing but i mean get both sides coming back i go take a shower and changed into comfy clothes.

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