Chapter 62. Where the Wild Things Are

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Narrator POV

We like to think that we are rational beings ...

In the lounge, Lydia sleeping with her feet up on a chair in the lounge sleeping with the eye mask over her eyes and hands rest on her belly

humane ... conscientious ...

Elijah walks in but smiles and leans on the doorway watching her.

civilized ...

All he thinks that there miracles babies was a plan, curse someone did it but that the most beautiful curse, they could have... Despite what coming in the future of dangerous the time must stop.


Lydia groans while sleeping, Elijah walks to her "Lydia" he tries walking her up "Lydia, you having a seizure"

Lydia POV

I open my eyes feeling my belly hurts "Agh"

"Hey talk to me what are you feeling?"

I groan "I don't know, I don't know" groans more "Elijah! That's hurt so much"

Elijah puts his hand on my belly "I don't feel anything" he looks around "Could you walk or I carry you?"

"I don't feel them too"

"Wait there is blood smell"

My scrubs getting red from the stain of blood.

But when things fall apart ... even just a little ... it becomes clear- we're no better than animals.


we have opposable thumbs ...

"Lydia, Lydia, Don't panic, please, deep breath, bleeding sometimes normal, look deep breath"

I cry taking deep breath "I just haven't been sleeping. The shift, I couldn't i was operating You know, it's a-the ... just been five weeks, and I can't sleep."

Elijah calms me "okay, okay, keep breathing"

"Does something will happen to them"

He shakes his head "No, no you will be fine, three of you"

We think ...

"I think something bad, I can't feel them"

He puts his hand on my cheek "Look into my eyes nothing will happen" he looks at his pager "I sent them to bring us one of OP calm down okay"

We walk erect...

I sob as we walk to the exam room and he holding me tight between his arms "I'm scared"

We speak... we dream...

"You know, they will have our hair but I hope my nobility and your beauty, we will teach them everything but first family above all" he wipes my tears "No one will dagger each other, they won't be witches or vampires just ordinary kids"

We walk at the larger hallway, walking fast down it, I lean on his shoulder trying to think of his words avoide anything else, they will be fine, I hope so "I can't be through this again"

but deep down, we're all still rooting around in the primordial ooze, biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree toads and sloths.

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