Chapter 12

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Cecilia felt her insides turn in different directions as Alberto viewed her sea monster form first in surprise then sudden disappointment.

" never said anything," he suddenly spat making her flinch and wince with guilt. She knew how he must probably feel, might as well hate her too. It made her wish she would have actually hit the rocks and not the water.


"Why didn't you say anything...all this time I thought you were my friend," he said his voice heavy and hurt.

"I couldn't tell you," Cecilia tried to desperately explain.

"Why not? Because you're a coward? I should've let you fall," he said with venom in his voice, the last part broke Cecilia making her tears mix in with the water. He didn't mean it, he couldn't mean it but then he didn't take it back

"You should have," she said in a low whisper while clenching her fists.

"I am your friend but now I can see we have different opinions," she said swimming away as fast as her fins could take her not even daring to look back. Alberto's voice followed but it fell blurry within her clouded mind.

Alberto knew and now there was no hiding it.

Cecilia swam, her tail moving side to side rapidly while the dark waters wrapped around her like a tight blanket.

Nothing mattered.

Not anymore.

A sudden sharp pain then spread across her leg making her wince and whimper in pain. The cause of her pain was followed by a trail of blood and some scales falling off. Her tears mixed with the ocean's water as she held her leg in pain. She had swum too close to the ocean floor and in the process stabbing herself mildly with a pointed boulder.

"Cecilia!" Alberto said now worried again looking at the girl's wound.

"Leave me alone," she muttered with pain.

"Come on," he said pulling her onto his back, Cecilia wanted to protest but the pain clouded her mind allowing Alberto to swim for her. Alberto swam for a short while before arriving at the small island where he used to live before moving in with Massimo. He didn't come here often but he did keep some items just in case to keep it habitable.

Cecilia felt herself wince more when Alberto carried her bridal style inside the tower. Her body felt weak and an urge to fall asleep grew in her once Alberto dropped her on a matress. She could hear his search for something, sounds of him fumbling through filled the room until the once dark room grew illuminated and she felt his hands delicately treat her wound. His hands stroked her leg gently as he wrapped it with a cloth to stop the bleeding. Once he was done, he let out a sigh before glancing at the tired girl once more.

"Care to explain what in the fisher's net was that?" he asked calmly trying to hide his frustration.

Cecilia didn't say anything though, her mind was rumbling with so many things.

Alberto knew she was a sea monster.

And he had wished her dead too.

Her eyes filled with tears but she refused to let them fall.

"Cecilia...*sigh*...look I'm sorry for what I said earlier but I need to know.." he started before rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"I'm sorry," he said again sighing with clear frustration, Cecilia could see his tensed muscles and his loose persona was now in debate.

"I'm sorry too," she said barely audibly but Alberto heard her and held her hand tightly.

"Why did you hide it?" he asked calmly now.

Cecilia took in a breath, it was obvious she couldn't hide it anymore and she could trust him.

She needed to or else she would suffocate.

"I need you to promise you won't tell anyone not even my zio, Giulia, or Luca," she said with pleading eyes.

Alberto looked at her with doubt but then sighed and nodded.

"Ok...well back in California, my dad was a scientist who worked for the government. He was in charge of investigating marine creatures out of the ordinary, like you Honestly, you guys are the first friends I have had since I didn't go to school a lot. One day I went into my papa's lab hoping to meet someone who was like me," she started making Alberto intrigued.

"But I only ended up getting caught making that man come and try to take me so he could..."

"I know," Alberto said not forcing her to say it.

"My papa, he is a sea monster too and now..." tears began to fall out of Cecilia's eyes.

"Now...he's been taken by those people and my mama...she's in jail too all because of me," her eyes were bawling at this point while Alberto could only hold her closely.

"I had to leave my home...I didn't want to but..." she cried.

"I know," he said stroking her hair gently while she clung onto him.

"It's okay I understand...I'm sorry," he said hugging her tighter.

"I don't deserve you guys...I am a monster," she wept.

"No Cecilia," Alberto suddenly said lifting her face to meet his green orbs.

"You are just a girl who wanted to find herself so don't blame yourself...the truth is I need you more than you could ever think," he said blushing at his sudden statement.

" do?" she asked suddenly blushing too within her tears.

"I do...I need you a lot," he admitted.

"Alberto...I don't even..."

"Just tell me what it is you want Ceci? I'll find a way to make it come true," he said genuinely making her heartbeat loud all of a sudden.

"I want you to kiss me," she suddenly blurted out but instantly regretted it before covering her blushing face.

"I'm sorry, forget I said that," she squeaked in embarrassment but Alberto only moved her hands allowing her to face him fully.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked making her face blush even harder. There he was, the boy she had fallen head over heels for asking for a kiss. Her heart felt as if it was about to fall out of her chest but her hand for some reason cupped his face.

"Yes," she said lowly but it was enough to make Alberto meet her lips with his.

Fireworks exploded within the two as soon as Cecilia felt his lips mold with hers like a work of art.

He tasted like lemon pie, sweet yet at the same time strong just like him.

They both let go for air but closed the gap over and over again with so much hunger. His hands played with he waist only making it harder for her to let go. She also allowed her hands to travel from his face to his blonde curls and then to his chest from time to time.

Neither of them wanted this bliss to end until they were really breathless but they still held each other closely until they both fell asleep. Much to their dismay, someone was arriving Porotorosso and without any good intentions while the two slept.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now