Chapter 1

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Cecilia rode on the train patiently which was taking her directly to Portorosso, it was the only thing she could do.


There was nothing she could do to make time go faster.

She had fled from her home back in California to come here and now she had to face it there was no going back.

Her papa had told her to stay strong.

Her mama had told her not to cry.

Both told her it was for the best.

Once papa's boss had found out she was a sea monster from birth, they immediately wanted to take her away and do who knows what to her. She had feared for her papa's sake, he was also a marine creature too but he feared his daughter's safety more than his own, so he sent her away with her cousin Giulia and uncle Massimo. Cecilia felt water fall down her cheeks, she had cried so much when her parents left her at the airport.

She knew she would probably never see them again even if they promised they would.

Cecilia dried off her tears as soon as the train came to a stop at her station, her blue eyes shimmered with sadness which she held in a stale look. Her steps felt so heavy as she walked out to meet the gazes of a girl who looked very enthusiastic next to a big man with a huge mustache.

'That must them,' Cecilia thought remembering the photos her father had shown her.

"Cecilia," the girl with red curly hair shouted at her.

Cecilia let out a small fake smile until her cousin ran up to her to hug her tightly.

"Oh my gosh! This is so cool!" she squealed while hugging her tighter.

"Hi," Cecilia said almost out of breath.

"Let her breathe Giulietta," her father told his daughter.

"Oops sorry, I get a little excited sometimes. It's so cool to finally meet you in person after only seeing you in so many pictures Uncle Mario and Aunt Andrea sent us," Giulia metioning her parent's names stung but Cecilia kept her stale look in place, no one could know even if sea monsters were actually a thing here.

"Yeah, I think it's cool too," she lied.

She already hated it here.

"Well let's get going," Massimo said to both girls before grabbing Cecilia's suitcase. Both Cecilia and Giulia followed the man back to his home, during that time Cecilia saw her cousin closely who seemed excited.

They both had red hair, but her hair was straight and long, Giulia had red curly hair that reached half of her back. Cecilia was also a bit taller and a year older having turned sixteen this year, her cousin also seemed more chipper.

Her uncle seemed a man of a few words but looked to be a simple man as well.

Her cousin couldn't stop ranting about something about two boys who were her best friends, but Cecilia was too tired to care.

Her mind drifted constantly to her mama and her papa; she could only pray they were safe.

Cecilia's eyes were suddenly bombarded with all the colorful buildings and chattering people, it made her uneasy.

This was nothing like home.

Her uncle suddenly stopped in front of a tall apartment building before opening the door for the two of them.

The smell of pasta filled her nostrils once she was inside, it looked simple yet comfortable altogether.

"I made al pesto pasta," he said before taking out four plates and placing them in front of the girls.

'Who's the extra plate for?' Cecilia thought in some curiosity.

"Giulia tell your brother that lunch is ready," Massimo instructed the redhead.

"Ayy papa, why do I always have to take care of him?" Giulia whined but her father gave her a serious look which made her bolt from her chair to the rooms.

"Brother?" I asked out loud.

"My adoptive son, you'll get to meet him," he said in a calm voice.

"I'm going Giulia calm down!" a male voice complained.

"Hurry up, she's here," Giulia's voice said from the other side.

"Who's here?" that's when Alberto met Cecilia's gaze, his green eyes suddenly became focused on hers while silence filled the room.

He suddenly made a weird face once he saw the new girl at the table.

"Now we got two of them!" he exclaimed earning a punch from his sister.

"Oww!" he grumbled.

"This is Cecilia, she is my blood-related cousin who will be living with us for a while so behave," she told him sternly.

"Oh, now that makes more sense, for a moment I thought you had a clone or something," he mumbled earning another punch.

"Introduce yourself," she scolded making the boy face the new girl in front of him.

"Alberto Scrofano," he said politely extending his hand.

Cecilia eyed him curiously, he had a broad build, and his dirty blonde hair was up in the air.

"Cecilia Romano," she responded shaking his hand formally.

"Now we eat," Massimo said once the al pesto was served.

Cecilia ate in silence while she felt the tanned boy's eyes on her, she tried to not look intimidated even if she felt nervous being in the environment she was.

The pasta was good, but she could barely taste it.

Once they were done with their food, Cecilia politely stood up to put her plate in the sink earning a small nod from her uncle.

"Now why don't you two show Cecilia around," Massimo suggested making Cecilia slightly cringe.

She had enough of the chirpy town by just seeing it, she didn't feel like exploring it at all.

Alberto made another face; the boy did not seem to like her even if they barely knew each other.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Giulia said anonymously to the tension between Alberto and Cecilia.

Cecilia only forced another smile before walking towards her cousin who was already jumping up and down in front of the door.

"Be back for dinner," the man reminded Giulia who was already busy pulling her cousin out the door.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now