Chapter 10

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The day went by with some ease.

Alberto went to work on his lifeguard job while Cecilia and Giulia made deliveries. His eyes on hers made her whole stomach do flips back and forth while the memory of last night crowded their brains.

Giulia saw her quiet cousin, Cecilia's face would suddenly become flushed out of nowhere as she played with her hands.

Giulia frowned with some concern but decided it would be best to ask her once they were done with their job.

When they took Alberto's lunch, Giulia saw how both their expressions were a bit softer?

Or maybe flustered?

Giulia wasn't sure but either way, she would get to the bottom of it.

The sun was setting when both girls had finished their practice on dancing for the dance coming in this weekend. Once both girls had showered and pampered themselves slightly for the boy's arrival, Giulia sat down before facing her cousin.

"What's up with you?" she asked taking aback Cecilia who had just finished putting on some lip gloss.

"Nothing," she said casually trying to hide her own nerves.

"Yeah right, just tell me it will make you feel better," Giulia tried to make her crack.

"It's nothing really," the girl said with a reassuring smile but it wasn't enough to convince Giulia, quietly she made a mental note to figure out her cousin's problem. Deep down she also felt it had to do with Alberto.

Both girls made their way to the dinner table to spot Alberto and Luca who were already waiting for them patiently on the table.

"So how was work?" Cecilia asked Alberto who gave her a shrug.

"Fine I guess," he responded.

"That-that's cool," she stuttered making Giulia look at her curiously.

"Hey Cecilia I got these cool American magazines from the store," Luca said taking out a magazine on Los Angeles. Cecilia smiled, she had been to Los Angeles before when her dad drove from her home in San Francisco to there.

"That's Los Angeles," the girl explained.

"I know, America is so cool, there's this place called Disney Land with rides and stuff," he said eagerly showing her he had studied.

"It's pretty cool but I have never gone so I can't tell you much about it," she admitted honestly but Luca still seemed pretty intrigued.

While Cecilia and Luca had their own intriguing conversation, Giulia pulled her brother's ear so he could listen to her.

"What's up with you and Ceci? What did you do to her?" she asked obviously annoyed.

Alberto gulped down as he saw his sister's obvious demanding look, his mind raced through all the private moments he had with Cecilia. He didn't want to admit it but something unfamiliar was growing inside of him. The new girl proved to be many things outside of her shy nature, she was smart and at the same time sometimes clueless. She had witts and was also sweet and funny when she was allowed to be.

Alberto felt a blush creep onto his face as he saw his sister glaring at him but before he could answer Luca tugged on Giulia distracting her from her previous goal.

Alberto sighed in relief before looking at Cecilia who seemed amused showing Luca and Giulia parts of her home country. There was a somber look on her face as she pointed at the ocean with her finger, Alberto could only wonder why until Giulia struck a nerve on her.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now