"No, thank you." Imade answered politely. They nodded and she shook hands with Victor and gave Happiness a side hug bidding them both goodbye. She exited the building still in the hoddies and joggers but the sun was trying to tell her she needed to change as soon as possible.

She stood there waiting for Ella who told her she was coming to pick her up after stealing one of her brother's cars.

She heard a horn and looked up seeing a black Mercedes Benz. Rolling down the window, she saw him.

She looked at him with wide eyes as he came down from the car to open the passenger door for her. She strolled to the car analysing his outfit.

He was wearing black baggy shorts and a black high fashion hoddie. A trucker hat and dark shades along with his diamond accessories to style his dressing along with his Pure White Nike Airforce1's.

Ella!!! She shouted in her head already planning to hang her when she sees her.

"Hey." She greeted shyly because of intense gaze on her.

"You look beautiful." He complimented keeping his eyes on her as she elegantly sat down.

She muttered 'thank you' with a small smile and he gave one last look before shutting the door and heading to his side of the car.

"How have you been?" He asked starting the car.

After the whole stuff about she ignoring his messages and them both not caring for each other, he eventually called her and that night he apologised and let's just say they were on Face Time Call throughout the whole night getting to know each other better. She even fell asleep on the call and he watched her sleep for about five minutes before drifting to sleep.

"Good, what about you? Your birthday is in a few hours." She got all excited like it was her own birthday which made him chuckle.

" I'm okay...I just came back from a photoshoot." He informed her and she nodded.

"How was your photoshoot? They didn't make you uncomfortable or anything?" He got serious asking and she smiled a bit loving how worried and caring he became.

"No, they didn't. I enjoyed it lowkey." She answered and he looked her through the corner of his eye seeing a small smile on her face. He smiled as well loving it.

"What are your plans for tomorrow? Don't tell me you have a show." She said and he smacked his lips knowing he could had to attend a show for his ravers who were coming out to celebrate his birthday with him.

"I knew it..But that's fine as long as you have fun. I will just give Ella your gift----"

"Uhn, uhn, you're pulling up." He cut her off taking a right turn. She stared hard at him as his eyes were focused on the road and one hand was on the steering wheel.

She cleared her throat and looked away, "umm...I'on know."

"I will make sure you're comfortable at the back stage, get your drinks, cake, security. Anything you like." He tried to convince and she bit her the side of her bottom lip.

"Fine...I want Ella there and chocolates too." She said jokingly and he mentally took notes. He wasn't even kidding anything that would allow him see his babygirl tomorrow, he was down for it.

"The album is dropping by midnight right?" She asked curiously and he grinned nodding.

"Yeah...that's why we are having a small listening party before the general listening party tonight." He informed and she pursed her lips looking side ways.


"Wow.." She said under her breathe entering into his house. From the size to the interior design was....wow.

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