Chapter 16- All I can see is her

Start from the beginning

Bahiyyih had brown hair, this girl had blonde hair. Bahiyyih was always short, this girl was tall. Bahiyyih never smiled...this girl was smiling.

"Sorry, you looked lost and I've never seen you before, I just assumed you were new" The girl explained.

"No no, don't apologise at all, I am new and clearly...a bit out of my head" Kai laughed through a heavy breath.

She was nothing like Bahiyyih and yet in this girl, he could still see her.

"What classes did you sign for?" the boy asked.

"English literature, criminology and photography" Kai stated, reading from a handwritten note Yeonjun had passed him earlier that morning to tell him what to do.

"Oh I'm a photography student too, we have that first today, I'll take you there" the boy smiled, warming up slightly.

"Thank you" Kai smiled back, bowing as he did so.

"Don't mention it, I'm Yeosang by the way" Yeosang introduced as he whisked Kai away from where they stood, leaving the girl behind without a single mention of her name.

"I'm Kai," Kai introduced in response.

His response was blank, the thought of his 'sister' lingering for a second before he snapped away.

"So photography hey?" Yeosang asked.

"I didn't choose my subjects" Kai shrugged as they walked down what felt like miles of hallways.

When Yoonbum enrolled him into school he took the choice himself as to the topics Kai would study. The mix of classes felt misplaced, none of the subjects truly relating to another. Kai guessed it was because Yeonjun didn't know what he would like, or maybe it was because he wanted to give him loads of choices for future jobs.

"You must have some strict parents on your hands to have chosen for you," Yeosang remarked, his small lisp softening his voice.

"Aha, yeah I guess so" Kai laughed faintly.

Rule one for making friends- DON'T LIE TO THEM STRAIGHT AWAY

Kai had no idea what compelled him to lie.

"God I'm as bad as Soobin" Kai whispered to himself subconsciously.

"Huh?" Yeosang questioned, head tilting to the side like a sad puppy.

"Oh um, who was that girl with you earlier? I never got to thank her" Kai asked. It was partly because he actually wanted to thank her but also partly because of her reminiscence to his sister.

"Oh that's my sister, don't mind her, she has been like that since she was young, i'll thank her for you if you want" Yeosang laughed.

What Kai really wanted was to know her name so he could shut her out of his head. The logic inside him knew that it wasn't his sister that he had locked eyes with but he so desperately wanted it to have been.

Maybe he missed her even more than he thought he did.

He tried daily not to think about her. Wherever she was she would hopefully be peaceful and happy. Kai knew he had screwed her over. He didn't doubt that. When she initially disappeared he spent days, weeks, months, looking for her all over Seoul.

When she didn't return Kai was drawn further to drugs to ease what hurt inside of him but at the same time it could have been his addiction that drove her away.

It was a double edged sword. A sharp one. Withdrawal hurts but guilt hurts more.

"Kai?" Yeosang asked, waving his hand in front of his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I got lost in thought" Kai mumbled as he twiddled his thumbs nervously.

"A new school is always stressful, don't worry, I've got you" Yeosang comforted as they took their seats.

It was a small class, Kai and Yeosang the only boys with eight other girls.

It was odd to Kai. Every girl he saw had something that reminded him of his sister.

Their hair, their voice, their attitude, their way of talking, their height. Kai hasn't seen her in so long that the image of her almost seemed to melt into that of every other girl. It was strange- Kai didn't even know what she would look like. She would be much older than she was the last he saw her.

School? It felt strange being back. This place was far from his previous one. The buildings were beautiful, surrounded by trees embellished in the red and orange leaves of winter.

It was safe to say that by the end of the day he felt much better. Yeosang had a solid friend group with seven others that were more than happy to accept Kai into their 'family'. Sure, maybe that group wasn't what he expected but they were all lovely. He felt lucky to have them.

Yeosang even offered to walk Kai to the bus stop that would take him closest to his house, leaving a short 10 minute walk when the bus stopped following his direction.

But Kai never made it to the bus

Yeosang never got to walk him there

Kai didn't know whether to feel creeped out or to feel cared for and looked after but he knew one thing, he wouldn't be getting on a bus or walking.


HELLO BEAUTIFULS HOW ARE YOU ALLL! I started back at school and it felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks :') I hope you are all doing well! It's really cold here, my fingers were literally frozen when I was writing this so I'm sorry if its not to my usual standard or has any mistakes.

Votes and comments are appreciated as always :)

A warm hug from me to you, love you more than ever <3

~ Author C (frozen version :p)

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