Chapter 17 - The Syndrome (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

I couldn't deny the curiosity that gnawed at me. I wanted to know the secrets that Nicodemo had hidden from me for so long. But I couldn't understand why Volka, who had always been a mysterious figure in my life, would want to help me.

Frustration coursed through me, and I couldn't help but let it slip. "If you know these dangerous secrets and care so much, why not just tell me?"

Her response was measured and calculated. "I possess knowledge of these secrets, but not the concrete proof you require. You must witness the evidence first-hand."

Seeing my scepticism etched across my features, she attempted to allay my doubts. "Trust me, I'm on your side," she assured, extending her hand toward me, a silent offer to relieve me of the rifle.

But my stubbornness, however, got the best of me. "Thanks, but I can do it on my own," I retorted.

She didn't press the matter further. Instead, she nodded in comprehension and withdrew, granting me the space to take the shot. I steadied myself once more, my finger on the trigger, my breath controlled and measured.

The forest held its collective breath, poised for the moment of truth. Then, with a resounding crack, the rifle discharged. The bullet whizzed past the deer, narrowly missing it. Panic coursed through me as I watched the graceful creature bound away into the depths of the forest.

"No!" I hissed in frustration, my voice tinged with despair.

Volka's hand landed on my shoulder, surprisingly gentle. "It's alright. I can still fetch that deer for you, but I'll need the rifle now."

I turned to her, baffled. "How do you plan to catch up with it? You don't even have a horse."

Her determination remained unwavering, and her eyes bore into mine with a fiery intensity. "I need the rifle now, Nero."

With reluctance, I handed her the rifle, perplexed about her intentions to chase down a deer on foot.

But as she took the weapon, her demeanour shifted, her movements becoming an eerie blur. In an unnatural flash, she vanished into the depths of the forest, leaving me in stunned silence.
I wasted no time, mounting my horse urgently. An intense sense of purpose drove me. I had to keep pace with her. Yet, as I followed the path she had taken, there was no sign of her. She had vanished as if she'd never existed in the first place.

Minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity as I combed the forest for any trace from her. It was as if she had melted into the very essence of the woods, leaving behind no trace of her presence.

Then, as abruptly as she had disappeared, Volka reappeared, holding the lifeless body of the white-tailed deer in her hand. I couldn't help but marvel at her uncanny abilities. There had been no rifle shot to signal her triumph, yet she had returned with the prized game.

I accepted the spoils, my curiosity burning. How on earth had she accomplished this feat? Clearly, something eluded my understanding, but what?

"Go and claim your victory," she urged me. Before I could react, she vanished once more, disappearing from my sight in the blink of an eye. It was becoming a predictable pattern with her, one I should have grown accustomed to by now.

I followed her counsel, retracing my steps to where Thomas, Zachary, and Jonas waited for my return. Their expressions ranged from shock to disbelief as they beheld the white-tailed deer in my possession, unmistakably designating me as the victor of our little game.

Thomas's face was a mix of shame and anger, though he tried to hide it behind a facade of indifference. He demanded that I claim my prize immediately, his voice laced with frustration.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt him further. Sauntering provocatively toward him, I fixed him with a cunning, self-satisfied smile—the smile of a winner. "Very well," I purred. "Then tell me, where does Nicodemo keep information about my brother?"

The shock etched on Jonas and Zachary's faces was palpable. They exchanged alarmed glances, evidently ignorant of Nicodemo's secret illegitimate son. But Thomas's reaction was distinct. His countenance betrayed that he had known all along, just as I had suspected. It was unmistakable; as the heir in preparation, he would have been privy to every dark secret, no matter how well-hidden.

For a brief moment, he wavered, his gaze flitting between me and the looming repercussions of his choices. To uphold his end of the bargain would mean betraying Nicodemo, a perilous gambit jeopardizing his coveted position as the heir.

But I knew how to manipulate him. Drawing nearer, I allowed my voice to weave a seductive tapestry of promise. "No one will ever know the information came from you, Thomas. It will be our little secret."

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