"I'm sorry. You probably didn't imagine our day going like this."

He cupped my cheek in his large hand. "You can always be yourself around me, Lennox. If it's the happy you, the flirty you or the sad you. I'll take it all."

"But why?" I asked as he wiped the last tears away with his thumb. "You don't have relationships with girls. Not romantically or platonically. So, why now? Why me?"

"I wish I could give you a straight answer on that, but I can't." His hand didn't leave my cheek. And we were still standing very close to each other. "Ever since you blinded me -" He said dramatically.

I slapped his chest with a small laugh. He smiled at me, looking proud to have turned my mood. "Almost blinded you, you big baby."

"After you almost blinded me." He grinned. "You captured my attention and I just wanted to know more about you."

"Found anything interesting?"

"You are definitely not a bookworm."

I laughed again. "But I am. But I'm much more than that."

"Yeah, figured that out pretty quickly. Most girls are easy to read and get boring fast. But you -" His thumb caressed my cheek slowly and I couldn't look away from him. From those dark blue eyes that were wholly fixed on me. "You always surprise me. When I think I'm getting to know you, another part pops up. You keep me on my toes."

"So, once you fully uncovered all of my secrets, I will bore you?" I joked. But Jesse looked at me dead serious.

"I think I won't be able to ever grow bored of you, Lennox."

I took in a shaky breath. I still didn't understand what was going on between us, what it meant. But I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I whispered. "For just listening."

"Any time." And it sounded like he meant it. "Are you ready for the first part of the day?"

"I am curious. I've never been here before."

He looked surprised but a smile formed on his handsome face. And when he guided me in, resting his hand on my back, I let him.


I laughed to myself as Lennox grumbled when she put on her ice skates. She wasn't entirely happy about going to an ice rink, but she was a good sport and put on the skates, albeit reluctantly. She was tugging on her laces. After I finished tying my skates, I kneeled in front of her and took the laces from her.

"Why ice skating?" She asked as she let me tie her skates.

"Because I'm good at it."

"But I'm not." She pouted and gods I wanted to kiss her.

"Don't look at me like that." I said, wetting my lips. "It's distracting."

Her pout turned into a smirk. "Good to know. There is a reason I didn't know this building, I don't skate."

"Alright, let's make a bet." I said, tying her other skate. "If you have enjoyed yourself at the end of our session, then you'll go on a date with me." I managed to say with a grin.

"Several things are off with that suggestion."

I leaned my arms on my knees and looked up to her with half a smile. "Is that so?"

She tapped her lips. "Yes. The first is that you don't date." I opened my mouth, not really sure what to say to that because she was right. But somehow with her... But she put up a finger to shut me up. "Second, I don't date." I didn't know that. I mean, I knew she hooked up, but I thought she dated in between. "Third, I'm not your type. And the fourth, I thought we were just becoming friends?"

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