Chapter 3: To Tried To Get Up

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Dad woke me with his van roaring down the street. The sun creeps through my curtains, which makes it hard for me to see. I am still tried but I'm ready to go to school. I put on my glasses and looked in the mirror. Yuk. The dentist said I would get my braces off soon but that was a month ago. My teeth looked pretty normal now. I then tried to brush down my bed hair, but that failed so I just put my hair up. I got dressed into the uniform which was a white top with a dark and light blue checked tie and skirt. I attempted to brush my hair again but I ended up just straitening it. I walk down the hallway and take the paper bag with my lunch in it that dad had made the night before. Then I take the jam piece that dad had also left me. I zip up my bag and walk out the door.

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