Evil Lunar ~Date Gone Wrong?.~

Start from the beginning

You tightly hugged Lunar back.
"Aww....why didn't you tell me?. I could have worked something out for you Starshine...."
Lunar sniffled some more- but soon the sniffles stopped, his tone turned a bit bitter.
"And be a bad boyfriend?."
Lunar pulled away from you...still against the tree....
You tried to cup Lunars cheek but he lightly slapped it away.
"Don't touch me...."

You were starting to get really upset now, the date was almost over and it was getting darker by the minute-
Putting both hands on Lunars shoulders, you leaned in and kissed him.
He let out a mph noise.
"(Y/n) what are you?-
You interrupted him with another kiss, and another then another. Lunar quickly melted into them, kissing back.

You said pulling away.
"I love you, and I don't want to lose you either...why don't we start doing things together more....you're right Lunar it isn't fair...and yes traveling is fun but-
You pressed your forehead against Lunars.
"You're the greatest adventure that I could ever have...."
Lunar smiled softly and the two of you wiped his tears away.

"I'm sorry." Lunar pouted.
"I've ruined our entire date night...."
You kissed Lunar again.
"You did not ruin our date night, we can't be the perfect couple all the time...-

You decided that Lunar needed more cheering up then you did in this moment.
So you teasingly leaned into him, causing him to blush a little.
"Aaannddd making up always makes our love making 10 times sweeterrrr."
Lunar was blushing hardcore now, he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"I um...I- it can be..extra sweet at times...but- I really do hate fighting with you Shooting Star."

You kissed Lunars nose, intertwining your hands with his, looking around you realized that it was getting dark.
"We better get going Starshine."
Lunar looked around with a pouty face.
You kissed his cheek extra lovingly.
"C'mon." You smiled.
"Let's go finish this date- we've still got plenty of time!."
Lunar smiled at your enthusiasm.
You and Lunar were cuddled up together in your bed.
You had turned it to romantic comedies to try and cheer your boyfriend up and it worked!. He was smiling and happy and you...you hated to admit but you were watching him more then the movie itself.
It came to a part when the couple was finally admitting their feelings for one another-
Lunar kissed the top of your head-
You leaned back, looking up at him and smiled.

The two of you shared a loving moment, staring into each others eyes....
You leaned in to kiss Lunar...passionately.
A soft moan escaped from Lunar, he then lightly pushed you down, pinning you to the bed, his hands on the sides of you-

Lunar deepened the kiss, sliding his tongued in, his hand grazing down to your butt, he gave a light squeeze.
Breaking away from the kiss he flashed a teasing smile.
"Make up love is the best isn't it?."
You smiled at him, shaking your head playfully.

Lunar leaned down to kiss you again but stopped few centimeters from your lips.
He looked upset again.
"Are...are you sure everything is okay?. I shouldn't have avoided you so much- I feel so bad and-
You let out a "shh." Sound.
"Lunar...I promise you...it's okay My Starshine...I've had my days where I was a total butt to you...and you still loved me through it."
Lunar laughed a little.
"Ohhh yeah, I remember a time or two."
You lightly smacked Lunar and he cracked up again.

His smile stayed intact.
"I love you."
While your smile widened.
"I love you too."

Lunar began to kiss down your neck leaving love bites, removing each others clothes, he then played and licked and sucked at your breasts.

His hands traveled up and down your body, Lunar still heavily focused on your breasts, he moved a hand down to your center, teasingly, slightly moving a finger in and out of you but not enough to give you the full pleasure...just enough to tease you so the pleasure would be all the more worth it.

You looked down at Lunar and whimpered...
He disconnected from your breasts, a string of saliva connected to his mouth.
He smiled.
"Ohhh, what's wrong My Shooting Star?. Do you not like a little tease?."

Lunar crawled upwards, his lips hovering above yours, you gasped as he slid his whole finger in, swirling it around a bit but not enough to hurt anything.
You felt your face getting flushed.
You whimpered.

Lunar still hovering over you, decided to tease some more-
He pumped his finger in and out at a rapid pace, you moaned an- "O-oh M-my~"
Lunar removed his finger, giving you a quick peck he pulled back, still holding that insanely teasing look in his eyes.

"How about...we do something else now?. It'll make it all the more fun for you my Shooting Star..."
Lunar said seductively as he lowered down to your kitty cat- 👀
He kissed all your inner thigh, he glanced up to see how much of a mess you were...and Lunar loved what he saw....
Kissing closer to your Kitty C 👀
He slipped his tongue in, swirling it in every direction possible!.

He held out a hand for you to hold, your grip tightened on the hand.
During your smexy sessions, Lunar always made sure that you were okay during whatever it was you were doing.
He really was a sweet lover.
He wanted to give you as much support as possible even if it wasn't needed-

Your moans filled the room, you were about to tell a lunar you were close but he pulled away, squeezing your hand softly...he smiled at you.
"I know My Shooting Star...I know..."
You flashed Lunar an exhausted smile.
"You know me so well don't you Starshine?."
Lunar lowly chuckled, he crawled on top of you, positioning your center to be at his member.
"Yes I do."

Lunar was about to penetrate you but you gave his chest a light push, he looked up at you confused.
"Star what are yo-
He tried to ask.
You gave him a soft smile.
"It's not fair that I'm the only one getting pleasured here...."

Lunars eyes widened- he was about to say something but your hand was already on his member-
Lunars eyes rolled back and he moaned so loud, so loud that it actually caught you by surprise and made you blush.
Lunar smiled at you and winked.
Your blush deepened, he put a hand on yours to insinuate to go faster, and if not faster to remind you where your hand was...you were distracted now.

You looked down at Lunars hand, still wide eyes, you pulled him in for a rough kiss and stroked his member at a much faster pace.
Lunar moaned in your mouth, you moaned a couple times to...hearing him was hot.

Lunar let out a whimper to signal he was ready-
You removed your hand and changed positions again, your area now aligned with his again.
Lunars breathe was shaky-

He pinned you down again, one hand gripping your hair, the other into the sheets.
Lunars member penetrated you, his pace was wild.
Your eyes in a half daze, Lunar looked at you and smiled, giving your neck a light kiss- you felt liquid oozing inside you.
Lunar broke away, holding you to him as close as he could.
"I love you so much Shooting Star..."

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