Just Dinner...Right?

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Hiii everyone!!! Guess who's on school holiday? MEEEEE!!!!!!! Which means more time to write stories. Well, if I don't lose motivation because of exhaustion after studying. I know!!!!! Studying on a holiday. But enough of my complaining. ON WITH ZE STORY!


After Olivia met Ash and the gang, she decided to take them out for dinner. "Dinner's a great idea! I can't wait." Exclaimed Ash. Boy, does he love food. He eats every meal like its his last meal. I mean, I guess he should considering how many times he's died. "Oooh. Let's go to your restaurant Mallow," suggested Lana. "Sorry, Lana. We're fully booked." "How 'bout we go to Mina's? They have the best dinner special," said Lillie. "Great idea, Lil. Is it okay if I call you that?" "Don't worry, Liv. Is it okay if I call you that?" "It sounds SO cute! Anyways, Mina's at 17:30?" "Yup!" they all said in unison.

Time Skip:

They all arrived and met with the Kahuna. "Hey, everyone! Let me lead you to our table." Olivia booked a table outside because it a really beautiful night that night. Once they ordered and got their food and drinks Olivia had this serious look on her face. "So Ash, where did you get your Z-ring?" "Oh, Tapu Koko gave it to me." Ash was kind of confused. Everyone knew how he got it. He didn't like the whispers and the weird stares, so he was actually relieved that someone didn't know. "Was that your only interaction with a legendary Pokémon?" Now Ash was starting to feel like he was being interrogated, which he did not like. "Yup...that was the first time I ever saw a legendary..." Of course that was a total lie. He met like over 20 of them. He tried to sound convincing but he just sound suspicious. "Hmm...well I went to the Orange Islands for vacation and I heard about a very interesting legend:'Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lighting. Less these titans wreak destruction upon the world on which they clash. Unless the Chosen One restores balance in these elements, the world shall turn to Ash.' Have you heard of that legend, Ash?" Now Ash was really starting to sweat all over his face. He HATED that the legend had his name in there. "No...that sounds really...interesting."He tugged the collar of his shirt because he was feeling like he was choking. This conversation was getting really uncomfortable. Kukui noticed this and tried to intervene but he was cut off by Olivia. "Well, there have been photos of a boy with a pikachu on the islands. Know anything about that?" Now he was screwed. Who took those?!!! Those were NOT for the public! He was drenched in sweat and he could barely breath. Surprisingly no one else noticed. "Wow! Such a uhh...coincidence." "Indeed. The boy also ha--" "Mimykyu Shadow Ball!" The unknown source of the attack completely messed up their table. "What was that?" they all questioned(except for Ash. By this time he knew). "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect  the world from devastation." "To unite all people within our nation." "To denounce the evil of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight." "Meowth that's right!" "Why do you guys come at the worst times?!" Lana was getting really ticked off by them. Ash on the other hand could not be more grateful. "Because we like to spoil your fun and grab a few Pokémon!" "Well, you aren't gonna do any of those!" "Yeah! Pikach u Thunderbolt!" "Pika CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Team Rocket's blasting off agAAAAIIIIINNN *ping*" "Oh no. Dinner's ruined. Sorry guys." "Don't worry about Olivia," reassured Professor Kukui. "Welp, Iguessweshouldallgohome bye guys." As Ash said bye very quickly to his classmates and the Kahuna he practically flew out of there. "Uhh..does he seem...off to any of you?" asked Kukui. "Yup." "Totally." "Absolutely." "Yes." "Yeah" "Why though?" Olivia could tell he was hiding something. But the question is: what?


Okay heirdie hoofstuk is klaar. Ash is so screwed!!! I love to make him suffer lol. bye!!!!!!

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