Best friend duties

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Persephone: "Hi Hek-"
Hekate: *Punches Persephone in the stomach*
Persephone: "WTF!?"
Hekate: "You are one of my very best friends and I cannot stand by and watch you throw away your life like this! You are too young! You are too beautiful!"
Persephone: "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Hekate: "I'm talking about the baby who is growing inside of your belly right now."
Hades: "See ya!"
Persephone: "I'm not pregnant!"
Hekate: "Well not after that punch, you are not."
Persephone: "I was never pregnant, Hekate..."
Hekate: "A-are you sure?"
Persephone: "Yes, I'm fucking sure!"
Nyx: "I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?"
Hekate: "Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test and-"
Nyx: *Punches Persephone in the stomach*
Persephone: "Oh mother fu-"

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