Mixi Max

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POV Adrien:

once I finished reading the letter, Alix freaked out and fell on the floor crying. We went toward her and circled her, and girls were patting on her back to calm her down but nothing helped

Sabrina: what's wrong Alix?

Alix: n-noble and f-from French medieval origin is m...m-my name

Adrien: thinking about it, it's true

Luka: don't worry Alix, we will help you and take care about you

Socqueline: I guess then two should at least guard her door from outside and inside

Zoe: I don't guess outside is necessary, breaking the window will put who are in front of the door in guard

Max: I agree. I will be the one guarding Alix

Adrien: I'll stay w-with you

Fei: but you are so weak and still sick

Kagami: Fei is right, you should rest

Marinette: I'll take care of you baby boy

Sabrina: I'll stay with Max then

Zoe: ok then, problem resolved

Marinette: what about mark's body?

Adrien: can you get anything from it?

Marinette: except bloody Mary cocktail, nothing else. I can't get nothing from the organs if they are a pure and I can't know when he is dead because I have no eyes or liver

Adrien: this killer is seriously a psycho. We know now that Alix is next but we have no idea about the second one

Zoe: new thing? Adrien we are just going to die all of us so why doing all this shit and know who will die? We had known a lot of time who will die and see this by yourself. They just end up dying

Socqueline: ok, Zoe has a point

Luka: so, we just give our friends to death?

Adrien: I suggest sleeping in the same place

Alix: amazing idea, then we can all stay in the living room

Marinette: I'm fine with that

Fei: I love this idea

Sabrina: how we will sleep all together?

Kagami: boys ...... I mean who remain from them can bring some matrasses from our rooms and set them on the floor

Luka: what if someone want to fuck?

Adrien: I agree, what if I want to make love to my girlfriend?

Marinette: A-Adrien

Zoe: the bathroom or your room for you both as you won't die so you can fuck

Max: bunch of perverts. Let's bring the matrasses here

Zoe: let's cook dinner then girls

Sabrina: I'll help you Zoe

Fei: same here, I'll help you with Socqueline

Juleka: I'll go with my brother

Marinette: I'll help boys with Kagami and Alix

POV Marinette:

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