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My name is Starlight Amberosia Mercedes Destiny Valentine, but everyone just calls me Star. It's easier that way, and honestly, I like it. It's more... normal. Not that anything about my life is normal.

I was born on January 1, 1996, making me the younger sister of Cat Valentine. She's always been a whirlwind of color and energy, while I've been the quiet, shadowy figure in the background. We're close, though, despite our differences. Cat has always been there for me, even when I couldn't find my own voice.

I guess I should tell you a bit about myself. I have hip-length blonde hair that people often say is as bright as sunlight. My eyes are an unusual shade of violet, and my skin is pale. I'm not very tall, standing at a mere 5 feet, but that's okay. I've never needed to be taller to make my presence known.

My life changed dramatically when I went through something traumatic. I used to be a budding young actress, dreaming of making it big in Hollywood. I had the talent, the passion, and the dreams. But one audition changed everything.

It was for a role in a big movie, the kind of opportunity that could make or break a career. I nailed the audition, or at least I thought I did. I was called back to meet the producer, and that's when the nightmare began.

He was powerful and influential, and he had a reputation for exploiting young talent. I was trapped in his office, and my voice failed me. I couldn't scream or protest as his hands reached for me. Panic set in, and I felt my world shatter.

But then, like a guardian angel, Beck Oliver appeared. He had come to the audition for some reason, and when he saw my terrified eyes, he knew something was wrong. Beck stormed into that room, and in an instant, he became my hero.

He protected me, physically and emotionally, from the monster in that office. Beck chased the producer away, promising him consequences if he ever came near me again. The trauma of that day left me scarred, but it also bound me to Beck in a way I couldn't explain.

Beck became my rock, my protector, and my sanctuary. I couldn't be touched by most people after that, but Beck's touch was different. His hands were warm and safe, and his presence alone could calm my racing heart.

We had been in a relationship for about two years before that traumatic event, and now it's been a total of two and a half years. It feels like a lifetime. Beck is more than a boyfriend; he's my dominant, my protector, and my solace.

I have separation anxiety now, and I can't bear to be away from Beck for long. After the incident, I moved into his trailer with him. We've been living together for about six months, and I've never felt safer.

My eyes, once bright and full of dreams, now hold shadows of that day. Violet orbs that betray the fear I still carry inside.

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