Unsaid Goodbyes

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Leap: 8 years later

Naina, now an independent woman in Mumbai working as a writer for a music video director, Shristi on the other hand working as a teacher in a school.

Shyam, A well known sportsman travelling across countries

Both hadn't contacted each other since that day, Naina's shocked state of mind unable to comprehend why those words were ever uttered by his mouth, with all the things she had been through she was a complete new person now, she no longer was startled when people randomly approached her, she had the perfect replies to every sentence put accross her, over the past 8 years, she had gained the experience of 16 years, writting had helped her overcome all unexpected interactions and the appreciation received by others made her confident and bold, the little girl who couldn't cross a road on her own before kept her head straight with a smile and a heart as light as a butterfly, although still crossing the road was a big deal for her.

Naina: The universe has it's own way of making things work, nothing makes sense anymore now other than the fact that I am a well known writer now and that is my identity.

Said Naina to herself as she sat by the cafe she often went to brainstorm ideas, taking a sip from her cup and gracefully as she laid her cup on the table, her ring giving a sparkle as the sunlight passed through the window and reflected it.

Naina: This ring forever has become a mark of a new chapter in life and I like it this way

Said to herself with a sad smile.

Frantically running through the door a young girl entered,

Young girl: I am so sorry, sorry I didn't mean to keep you waiting

In a panic said the girl to Naina

Naina: It's fine I never blame people who are late and I like to wait

The girl confused with the statement and mesmerized with the grace and elegance of the delivery of the statement was taken aback.

Naina: So introduce yourself

Young girl: I am Pooja and I study in 9th grade

Hearing the name Naina fazed into a completely different state , triggering everything she preferred buried deep in memories.

Pooja: So should I consider it that I am in too?

Naina completely lost not having heard a word, stood up and took a deep breath and said,

Naina: Mail your work to me and I'll let you know later, thankyou.

Saying that she walked straight out of the cafe, her mind full of pictures flashing and annoyance had taken over her control over her actions, closing her eyes tightly, she gave out a loud scream ," I will never meet you ever again Shyam", saying this she buried her face in her hands.

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