things will be better

Start from the beginning

Get well soon, dude. Miss seeing you commit murder every week (for legal purposes the murder part is a joke)


Then, in a separate message,

Take care, man. Get all healed up soon. I too miss watching you kill people (this is also a joke). It's kinda therapeutic ngl


Pac is certain that the Young Bucks share a brain and that it bounces between the two of them, never allowing them both to have intelligence at the same time.

Still, though he would rather die than admit it, Pac likes Matt and Nick. They're good guys and the work they've done for professional wrestling has quite literally changed the business (and for the better, Pac believes). If Pac didn't at the very least respect the Bucks then he wouldn't have signed with AEW.

Pac sends them a short reply, addressing them both. There's no need for him to send a message to them individually.

DM from @FightOwensFight:

How the fuck am I supposed to revel in the fact I've had a better 2023 than you when your year has been so fucking sad? You're going to make me look like a dick. The competition isn't fair this way.

I GUESS I can wait until next year to brag about how I'm so much cooler and better than you, but you'd better bring your a-game. That way it's fair.

You bastard.

It's Kevin's way of checking in on him, of making sure he's okay. Pac knows this. Their friendship has been built on snarky quips and harsh remarks since their days in PWG. It is how they most comfortably communicate with one another.

Pac's reply to Kevin simply tells him to go fuck himself.

DM from @SandraJoy:

You came back, fucked shit up, reminded Gravity of who you are, and then fucked off again.

Take care of yourself, Pac. We'll see you soon.

Cassandra doesn't make a joke about murder like her beloved Young Bucks do and Pac appreciates her for that. Whereas Matt and Nick share a brain, Cassandra has her own and it's helped her become one hell of a wrestler — at least, she has that talent inside her, even if she's become a bit complacent in recent years.

Though he's not going to be there in person to watch as the feud unfolds, Pac's glad that it's Cassandra who Elizabeth will be facing (and potentially winning the AEW Women's Championship from) at All In.

All In. The historic wrestling event at Wembley Stadium in London, England that Pac isn't going to be able to...

DM from @KennyOmegamanx:

Hey man,

Pac doesn't read past the opening line. He's not in the mood for whatever the hell Kenny has to say. Fuck him.

Deciding that he's seen enough from Twitter, Pac switches over to his text messaging application. No one like Kenny or Will is going to show up there, so in theory, it should be a more pleasant experience for Pac.

Message from Maxine R.:

Hey. I know you're not really the kind of guy to talk about any of this, but Adam and I love you and can't wait to see you come back. You're a tough bastard and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

Let us know if you need anything.

Maxine's message is short, sweet, and to the point. Pac appreciates what she says and he appreciates her. Elizabeth is friends with many people but of them all, Pac's glad that it's Maxine who holds the title of Elizabeth's best friend.

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