And Nancy is also here as well and they have the same conversion just like before.

Back at the lab on Island A, Birch analyzes the water and finally thinks he has the scientific details figured out. Keith and Nancy run-up to the group, anxious for news, and argue briefly before Mark and Minami calm them down.

Nancy admits that she really wants a Gorebyss, and Keith adds that he likes Huntail better. Birch asks to see their Clamperl, so they all go out by the pool, and the kids send out the Clamperl. After a visual examination, Birch says they look healthy, and if everything works out, they should each be able to evolve.

"From the water I analyzed, the water on Island B contains Deep Sea Scale fragments, while Island C is rich in Deep Sea Tooth minerals. So we should go find the items so that they can evolve."

But then, Team Rocket appears and they try to capture the Huntail and Gorebyss, but thanks to the kids' help, they are sent flying again.

They go back to Island B to look for a Deep Sea Scale. Keith finds it and gives it to Nancy, who in turn gives it to her Clamperl. She expects an evolution, but nothing happens, so Birch suggests sending Clamperl to the Pokémon Center since Clamperl won't evolve right away when given the item. The girl agrees and they do so from the cabin on the island. On Island C, they again search and find a Deep Sea Tooth. Fittingly, Nancy finds it and gives it to Keith, who gives it to his Clamperl. His doesn't evolve right away either, so he sends it to the Pokémon Center as well.

Back at the Pokémon Center, the kids receive their Clamperl from Joy and send them out. But nothing happened with their Clamperl.

"What could have gone wrong?" Birch is confused.

I say, "Professor. In order for Clamperl to evolve, I think you need to perform a trade."

Mark and I decide to show them by using the two items that we find, and both our Clamperl evolve into a Huntail and a Gorebyss.

"What? Are you serious?" Keith asks. "We have to trade our Clamperl?" Nancy asks in surprise. The two kids frown as they don't want to leave the Pokemon. Birch says, "If that's the case, why don't you two do a mock trade? You two can trade your Clamperl and then trade them back."

The two kids nod as they do so, and then they manage to evolve. But Team Rocket appears with their new mecha, and thanks to Gorebyss and Huntail working together, they are sent flying again.

"Now that the secret is revealed, this will be the way for the islands to stop their feud." I say.

"Yeah." Alice agrees.

Clamperl: The Bivalve Pokemon: Water Type. Clamperl's sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl's shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.

Huntail: The Deep Sea Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Clamperl by trading with a Deep Sea Tooth. Huntail's presence went unnoticed by people for a long time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea. This Pokémon's eyes can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean.

Gorebyss: The South Sea Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Clamperl by trading with Deep Sea Scale. Gorebyss lives in the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is built to withstand the enormous pressure of water at incredible depths. Because of this, this Pokémon's body is unharmed by ordinary attacks.

Before they bid farewell to Professor Birch and the others, they manage to make two islands' trainers work together, and they are happy about it.

Then we arrive at Isabel Island, where May will get her fourth ribbon. At the appeal rounds, May calls on her Ivysaur, who starts things off by using Razor Leaf. As the leaves fly through the air, the Pokémon slaps them with its Vine Whip attack, impressing the Contest Judges.

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