It's so sweet. She's like my baby sister.

I have to get her something for Christmas when I get a chance to shop.

"You good, Josh?" I feel Matt nudge my shoulder since we haven't been to church together since I got pregnant.

I think the last time we went together was maybe March or June of this year. He was still shooting his series finale of that show that they still needed to do post-production for.

"I am." I nod my hand and take his hand since it's an LGBTQ+ safe space church.

"Please tell me if it's too overwhelming or if people are staring. We can leave early and get lunch. It's okay to leave early. I don't want you to push yourself to do things since it's a big week." I face him as we stand by a pillar by the church doors.

"I'm fine, Matt. Let's go before we have to sit in the back where we can't hear anything." I give him a quick peck on the lips since it's a religious building and squeeze his hand.

I love that he cares about my mental health and looks out for my well-being. He's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.

We decided to sit in the third to last pew. It's the perfect space since people can't stare at my bump in the back row and a place to hide since we have a following on socials.

Thankfully, this church is intimate and in a small neighborhood. It's not like the ones back in LA that are full of 200+ people where I could get noticed.

Half of the people who attend this church are elderly and the other half are parents or adults who are single. 

I'm safe from paparazzi and screaming fans.

While the pastor reads from the bible, I place my hand on my bump that is hidden under Matt's XL sweater that I stole. I feel a little electric flutter in my lower abdomen. It's not painful. It's like the baby is saying hi or I'm here.

Without saying a word, I put Matt's hand on top of my bump to let him feel the interaction. Beside us, there's an elderly woman who I met on one of my neighborhood walks. I watch her smile slightly while Matt touches my bump.

I am happy that elderly people in the church are accepting of my MPREG disorder.

"I think he likes this church." I hear Matt whisper as quietly as he can since the pastor is still speaking.

I nod my head and smile back at him.

Yeah, I think Junior likes church too. His name won't be Junior when we take him but then I can introduce him to the nice elderly people in this community.

Once the service is over, I excuse myself for a bathroom break since there's one in the back of the church where children's bible study is since it's separate from adult service.

After using the toilet, I wash my hands by the sink and feel a wave of dizziness and pain in my lower back. I close my eyes for a moment and lean against the tile wall. I don't know if this is normal closer to month 5 of pregnancy.

It's not really pain, just a lot of discomfort in my lower abdomen and belly.

"Junior, please give be a calm baby. That's all I want for Christmas." I whisper to my bump as I press Matt's contact on my phone.

It's not an emergency and the dizziness and discomfort slowly went away. I just don't want to walk back to the parking lot alone.

"Babe, are you okay? Did you get lost?" I hear Matt pick up and sigh in relief.

"I Just Gotta Get Out of L.A": a Jatt MpregficWhere stories live. Discover now