the banana republic

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you may have looked at the title and thought, whet the hell? i thought this was a nation, not a clothing company. well, my friends and i started it in 5th grade, and none of us knew about the clothing company. we were immediately thrown into conflict with the apple republic. we won after shouting a lot. (our school  recess didn't even allow snowballs.) our leader promoted my now best friend to leader, and he kinda dipped. we now have twice as many members, and are under a beau-ti-ful communist republic. we also stopped a revolution. so... ye. right now, all members are coming to a main base (it's just a faction type thing my friends and i do its not real. plz no cops) 

So... yeah that's about  it comrades. next time i will be using yall to help me make a decision. much shorter i know. it's... really all there is so.. yea

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